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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

ASTBIO 115 Astrobiology: Life in the Universe (5) NSc
Introduction to the new science of astrobiology, study of the origin and evolution of life on Earth, and the search for microbial and intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. Designed for non-science majors.

ASTBIO 501 Astrobiology Disciplines (4)
Review of research and subject matter relevant to astrobiology from within the disciplines of biology, astronomy, oceanography, atmospheric science, chemistry, planetary science, and geology. Offered: A, even years.

ASTBIO 502 Astrobiology Topics (4)
Investigation in detail of research topics of current interest. Offered: A, odd years.

ASTBIO 550 Professional Development for Astrobiology (2)
Seminar in preparation for the academic job market; writing and reviewing grant proposals; building and managing interdisciplinary research teams; understanding the multiple career paths available in astrobiology; interdisciplinary teaching; and professional ethics. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W, odd years.

ASTBIO 575 Seminar in Astrobiology (1, max. 10)
Discussion of recent research in astrobiology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W, even years.

ASTBIO 576 Astrobiology Colloquium (1, max. 15)
Current research topics in astrobiology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: ASp.

ASTBIO 600 Independent Study or Research (*)
Study or research under the supervision of individual faculty members.