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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

BIBHEB 101 Elementary Biblical Hebrew (5)
Introduction to biblical (classical) Hebrew beginning with the alphabet. Integrates core vocabulary and basic grammar with reading short selections directly from the Hebrew Bible. Maximum 15 credits allowed between BIBHEB 101; BIBHEB 102; BIBHEB 103; and BIBHEB 105.

BIBHEB 102 Elementary Biblical Hebrew (5)
Continues the introduction to the biblical (classical) Hebrew with additional readings from the Hebrew Bible. Maximum 15 credits allowed between BIBHEB 101; BIBHEB 102; BIBHEB 103; and BIBHEB 105. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 101.

BIBHEB 103 Biblical Hebrew Prose (5) A&H
Explores select prose sections of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) in conjunction with English translations and commentaries. Emphasis on close readings, the grammatical insights of textual criticism, and the interpretive strategies and agendas of the English translations. Maximum 15 credits allowed between BIBHEB 101; BIBHEB 102; BIBHEB 103; and BIBHEB 105. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 102.

BIBHEB 105 Intensive Elementary Biblical Hebrew (15) A&H
Intensive study of grammar with oral and written drills and reading of simple texts. Maximum 15 credits allowed between BIBHEB 101; BIBHEB 102; BIBHEB 103; and BIBHEB 105.

BIBHEB 199 Study Abroad (1-15, max. 15)
Credit for elementary Hebrew in an approved Study Abroad program. Requires credit evaluation by department or faculty. Does not automatically apply to major or minor requirements. Course overlaps with: MODHEB 199.

BIBHEB 201 Biblical Hebrew Poetry (5) A&H
Explores select poetic sections of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) in conjunction with English translations and commentaries. Emphasis on close readings, the grammatical insights of textual criticism, and the interpretive strategies and agendas of the English translations. Prerequisite: either BIBHEB 103 or BIBHEB 105.

BIBHEB 202 Inscriptions from Biblical Times (5) A&H
Surveys Northwest Semitic inscriptions that bear significantly on our understanding of Biblical history and ancient Hebrew including the Moabite stone, Israelite ostraca, Siloam engraving, Gezer calendar, Deir Alla (Gilead) inscriptions, the Asherah texts, Ammonite fragments, and Phoenician monuments. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 201.

BIBHEB 203 Biblical Prophetic Texts (5) A&H
Examines the language, style, and literary sophistication of biblical prophetic texts within the context of ancient Near Eastern prophecies. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 103.

BIBHEB 204 The Book of Job (5) A&H
Examines the language, style, and literary sophistication of the biblical Book of Job within the context of ancient near Eastern dispute poetry and correlates close readings of the book in the original Hebrew language with various interpretations it has received since antiquity. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 103.

BIBHEB 205 Readings in Medieval Hebrew Poetry (3) A&H
A close examination of Medieval Hebrew poetry. Among the poems we shall study will include works by Yehudah Halevi, Shlomo ibn Gabirol, Moshe ibn Ezra, and Abraham ibn Ezra. Focus will be on the literary sophistication of this poetry. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 103 or MODHEB 103. Offered: WSp.

BIBHEB 206 Magic and the Bible: Tales of Cult and Wonder (5) A&H
Examines biblical Hebrew texts that raise questions concerning the degree to which ancient Israelites engaged in "magical" practices as found elsewhere in the ancient Near East. Attention is paid also to the texts' language, style, and literary aspects and to comparative materials. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 103 or permission of instructor. Offered: W.

BIBHEB 207 The Book of Proverbs (5) A&H
Examines the language, style, and sophistication of the biblical Book of Proverbs within the context of ancient Near Eastern proverb collections and correlates close readings of the book in the original Hebrew language with various interpretations it has received since antiquity. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 103 Offered: Sp.

BIBHEB 208 The Art of Biblical Narrative (5) A&H
Language, style, and literary sophistication of a number of biblical mythic and historical narratives. Correlates close readings of these texts in the original Hebrew language with various interpretations since antiquity. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 103. Offered: W.

BIBHEB 399 Study Abroad (1-15, max. 15)
Credit for intermediate Hebrew in an approved Study Abroad program. Requires credit evaluation by department or faculty. Does not automatically apply to major or minor requirements. Course overlaps with: MODHEB 399.

BIBHEB 490 Supervised Study (1-6, max. 18)
Special work in literary texts for graduates and undergraduates. Course overlaps with: MODHEB 490. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 203.

BIBHEB 496 Special Studies in Biblical Hebrew (3-5, max. 15) A&H
Topics vary. Course overlaps with: MODHEB 496.

BIBHEB 499 Undergraduate Research (1-6, max. 18)
Course overlaps with: MODHEB 499.

BIBHEB 511 Elementary Biblical Hebrew (5)
Introduction to biblical (classical) Hebrew beginning with the alphabet. Integrates core vocabulary and basic grammar with reading short selections directly from the Hebrew Bible.

BIBHEB 512 Elementary Biblical Hebrew (5)
Continues the introduction to the biblical (classical) Hebrew with additional readings from the Hebrew Bible. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 511.

BIBHEB 513 Biblical Hebrew Prose (5)
Explores select prose sections of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) in conjunction with English translations and commentaries. Emphasizes close readings, the grammatical insights of textual criticism, and the interpretive strategies and agendas of the English translations. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 512.

BIBHEB 515 Intensive Elementary Biblical Hebrew (1)
Intensive introduction to biblical (classical) Hebrew beginning with the alphabet. Integrates core vocabulary and basic grammar with reading short selections from the Hebrew Bible. Offered: S.

BIBHEB 521 Biblical Hebrew Poetry (5)
Explores select poetic sections of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) in conjunction with English translations and commentaries. Emphasizes close readings, the grammatical insights of textual criticism, and the interpretive strategies and agendas of the English translations. Prerequisite: either BIBHEB 513 or BIBHEB 515.

BIBHEB 522 Inscriptions from Biblical Times (5)
Surveys Northwest Semitic inscriptions that bear significantly on our own understanding of Biblical history and ancient Hebrew including the Moabite stone, Israelite ostraca, Siloam engraving, Gezer calendar, Deir Alla (Gilead) inscriptions, the Asherah texts, Ammonite fragments, and Phoenician monuments. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 521.

BIBHEB 523 Biblical Prophetic Texts (5)
Examines the language, style, and literary sophistication of biblical prophetic texts within the context of ancient Near Eastern prophecies. Prerequisite: either BIBHEB 103 or permission of instructor.

BIBHEB 524 The Book of Job (5)
Examines the language, style, and literary sophistication of the biblical Book of Job within the context of ancient near Eastern dispute poetry and correlates close readings of the book in the original Hebrew language with various interpretations it has received since antiquity. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 103 or BIBHEB 513.

BIBHEB 525 Readings in Medieval Hebrew Poetry (3)
A close examination of Medieval Hebrew poetry. Among the poems we shall study will include works by Yehudah Halevi, Shlomo ibn Gabirol, Moshe ibn Ezra, and Abraham ibn Ezra. Focus will be on the literary sophistication of this poetry. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 103/513 or MODHEB 103/513. Offered: WSp.

BIBHEB 526 Magic and the Bible: Tales of Cult and Wonder (5)
Examines biblical Hebrew texts that raise questions concerning the degree to which ancient Israelites engaged in "magical" practices as found elsewhere in the ancient Near East. Attention is paid also to the texts' language, style, and literary aspects and to comparative materials. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 513 or permission of instructor Offered: W.

BIBHEB 527 The Book of Proverbs (5)
Examines the language, style, and sophistication of the biblical Book of Proverbs within the context of ancient Near Eastern proverb collections and correlates close readings of the book in the original Hebrew language with various interpretations it has received since antiquity. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 513 or permission of instructor Offered: Sp.

BIBHEB 528 The Art of Biblical Narrative (5)
Language, style, and literary sophistication of a number of biblical mythic and historical narratives. Correlates close readings of these texts in the original Hebrew language with various interpretations since antiquity. Prerequisite: BIBHEB 513 or evidence of knowledge of biblical Hebrew at the appropriate level as administered by a test to be administered by the department. Offered: W.

BIBHEB 596 Special Studies in Biblical Hebrew (3-5, max. 15)
Topics vary.

BIBHEB 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Course overlaps with: MODHEB 600.