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BSE 150 Bioresource Science and Engineering Seminar (1)
Introduces the science and technology of bioresources, including paper. Faculty, advisers, and guest lectures present on topics throughout the quarter. Credit/no-credit only.

BSE 190 Special Topics (1-5, max. 10) NSc
Introduces current topics or courses under development to address the latest issues in bioresource science and engineering.

BSE 210 Concepts in Bioproducts Sustainability (4) NSc
Principles from chemistry, mathematics, physics and material flows are applied to understand processes from feedstock through end-use and re-use of bioproducts. Bioproducts covered are those derived from cellulosic plant materials, including paper products, biochemical, biofuels, and bioplastics. First concepts in engineering analysis are introduced, including introduction to engineering design. Recommended: high school chemistry, physics, and algebra. Offered: A.

BSE 248 Paper Properties (4) NSc
Acquaints students with raw material characteristics, physical and mechanical concepts, nomenclature, and procedures related to evaluating paper and paperboard product properties. Emphasizes structural, optical, mechanical, and moisture related properties. Offered: Sp.

BSE 391 Engineering Principles of Biorefineries (5) NSc
Introduction to biofinery processes, including material and energy balances; sustainability aspects and environmental issues; and process modeling. Application of conservation laws to calculation of flow rates, chemical composition, and heat requirements of non-reactive and reactive systems typical of processes involving lignocellulosic biomass. Prerequisite: A A 260; either CHEM 223 or CHEM 237; and MATH 207. Offered: A.

BSE 392 Bioresource Transport Phenomena (5) NSc
Focuses on transport phenomena involved in the biofinery processes, including: momentum, heat, and mass transfer; paper drying, transport in biochemical and thermochemical processes, and product separation; and computational tools. Application of conservation laws to calculations of flow rates, chemical composition, and heat requirements involving lignocellulosic biomass. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in BSE 391. Offered: W.

BSE 399 Undergraduate Internship (1-5, max. 15)
Internship experience with a public agency or private company, supervised and approved by a faculty member. Preparation of professional report reflecting on the experience is required. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

BSE 406 Natural Products Chemistry (5) NSc
Provides knowledge of chemistry of aqueous and solvent-rich systems, natural and synthetic polymers, and of interactions with inorganic materials and trace substances present in biomass processing systems. Covers the chemistry of lignocellulosic biomass components: cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and extractives. Presents the fundamental chemistry of biomass conversion process. Prerequisite: either CHEM 223, CHEM 237, or CHEM 335. Offered: A.

BSE 410 Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Reduction (4)
Applications of mathematics, statistics and chemistry for the engineering design of pollution control for high-strength industrial wastewater, with focus on the pulp, paper and biorefineries industries. Includes design of treatment reactors, settling chambers, sorption operations, and approaches for wastewater reduction. Prerequisite: BSE 210 and either BSE 391, CHEM E 310, CEE 350, or CEE 357; and either MATH 207 or AMATH 351; recommended: courses in physics; organic chemistry; differential equations; statistics; and engineering fundamentals. Offered: W.

BSE 420 Bioresource Engineering I (4)
Covers chemistry and reaction kinetics of conversion of biomass into molecules and fibers for use in making fuels and high value products. Includes chemical, biological, and thermal conversion of biomass. Develops applications of reaction kinetics to design reactor configurations. Prerequisite: BSE 406. Offered: W.

BSE 421 Bioresource Engineering II (4)
Introduces basic mass transfer processes and physical basis: diffusion, convection, and mass transfer coefficients. Analyzes separation processes used in forest products and bioresources industries: membrane separations, flow through porous media, leaching and extraction, and evaporation. Includes industrial processes: dialysis, reverse osmosis, fiber web formation, pulp washing, and black liquor evaporation. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in both BSE 392 and BSE 420. Offered: Sp.

BSE 422 Bioresource Engineering III (4)
Introduces process simulators and their application to model unit operations and large scale integrated facilities such as biorefineries and pulp and paper mills. Covers applications to optimize processes for production and environmental impact, basic control equipment, process models used in control, types of controllers, and simple controller tuning. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in BSE 421. Offered: A.

BSE 426 Bioresource Laboratory (4)
Covers bioconversion laboratory techniques, focusing on design and operation of conversion processes to produce high value biorenewable products based on chemistry of biomass. Products include ethanol, pulp, glycols, and sugar streams. Includes significant product design component, and hands-on laboratory creation of products based on design. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in BSE 420; Q SCI 381 or STAT 311 which may be taken concurrently. Offered: Sp.

BSE 430 Papermaking Processes (5)
Examines stock preparation operations (refining, screening, and cleaning) for papermaking and sheet forming as a unit of operations. Considers related unit operations of fluid dynamics and heat transfer as they apply to the commercial process. Covers sheet finishing operations of surface sizing, calendaring, and rewinding. Analyzes physics of fiber webs. Prerequisite: either BSE 392 or CHEM E 340. Offered: A.

BSE 436 Pulp and Paper Laboratory II (4)
Paper testing, paper additives, flocculation, drainage, retention, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics in papermaking from virgin and recycled raw materials. Prerequisite: BSE 430. Offered: W.

BSE 475 Life Cycle Assessment: Fundamentals and Bio-Based Applications (5)
Overview of life cycle thinking, the fundamental theory of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) framework, and practical applications in supporting real-world decision-making. Presents state-of-the-art LCA tools, industrial case studies, and advanced LCA methodologies using the framework of bio-based materials and bioenergy solutions. Emphasizes systems thinking. Offered: jointly with ESRM 475; W.

BSE 480 Bioresource Design I (4) SSc/NSc
Design and production of biomass derived products meeting given specifications and financial constraints, integrating coursework knowledge to solve complex, open-ended design problems. Specific considerations in design include: economic, marketability, environmental, sustainability, ethical, health and safety, social, and political. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in BSE 406; 2.0 in BSE 420; 2.0 in BSE 430. Offered: W.

BSE 481 Bioresource Design II (5) SSc/NSc
Comprehensive design of pulp and paper processes, including: economic feasibility studies; process equipment design, optimization, and control; and overall process integration and layout. Safety and ethics in the design process. Prerequisite: BSE 480. Offered: Sp.

BSE 489 Foreign Study (1-5, max. 15)
Individual foreign study of topics for which there is not sufficient demand to warrant the organization of regular classes. Offered: AWSpS.

BSE 490 Special Topics (1-5, max. 15)
Individual tutorial study of topics or courses under development to address the latest scientific developments in forest resources. Offered: AWSp.

BSE 497 Pulp and Paper Internship (1, max. 3)
Technical and economic analysis of commercial pulp and paper installations. Structured visits to industrial operations to observe technical aspects of pulp and paper curriculum in practice. Preparation of visitation reports and analysis in seminar setting. Offered: A.

BSE 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15)
Individual research supervised by a faculty member. For advanced students desiring to extend their educational experience. Offered: AWSpS.