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CHSTU 101 The Chicano/Mexican Ethnic Experience in the United States (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the Chicano/Mexican American experience, with a focus on past and contemporary issues of race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status.

CHSTU 200 Latinos in the United States: Patterns of Racial, Ethnic, and Socio-Economic and Political Inequality (5) SSc, DIV
Studies broad patterns of inequality formed by historical forces, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, immigration, and social capital. Analyzes rapid growth and adjustment of old and newly established Latino communities, resulting from transnational migration from Latin America.

CHSTU 224 Life and Labor in the US-Mexico Borderlands (5) SSc, DIV
Focuses on inhabitants of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands since the nineteenth century. Emphasizes the fungible U.S.-Mexico border, industrialization of the Southwest and northern Mexico, cultures of migration, and the creation of "Greater Mexico." Influence of labor and migration in gender constructions. Course overlaps with: T HIST 376.

CHSTU 254 Northwest Latino Ethnic Communities: Culture, Race, Class, Immigration, and Socio-Economic and Political Marginalization (5) SSc, DIV
Traces the history and development of the Latino community in the Pacific Northwest. The study engages racial and ethnic identities, rural to urban, inter-regional, and trans-border migration, and labor and economy to approach issues of marginalization. The Latino community is also contrasted across rural and urban spaces.

CHSTU 255 Mexican Women: Past and Present (5) SSc, DIV
Survey of women in Mexican society from Meso-American times to the 1940s.

CHSTU 256 Chicanas: Gender and Race Issues (5) SSc
Contemporary issues in the Chicana movement since the 1940s. Issues range from feminism and Chicana political, educational, and social organizations, to work, family, health, and the arts.

CHSTU 260 Introduction to Chicano Politics (5) SSc, DIV
Surveys the political position and activities of Mexican American peoples in the United States from two perspectives: (1) Chicanos as objects of the political process of U.S. life, (2) contributions of the Chicano people to U.S. politics.

CHSTU 320 Food Sovereignty Movements in Mexico and the United States (5) SSc
Interdisciplinary study of agrifood systems and food sovereignty movements in Mexico and Mexican-origin communities in the United States. Uses the methods and materials of ethnography, agroecology, and political ecology in concert with environmental history, rural sociology, deconstructive discourse analysis, eco-criticism, and predictive ecology. Offered: Sp.

CHSTU 322 Indigenous Knowledge and Public Health in Mexican and Latinx Origin Communities (5) SSc, DIV
Critical medical anthropologies of public health through environmental justice/decolonial methods and groundings in ethnoscientific knowledge. Forces impinging on 'racialized' health regimes in Mexican/Latinx communities through study of structural violence, historical trauma and related disparities and inequities. Emphasis on healthcare and caring labor via decolonial critiques of settler colonialism, commodification, and indigenous survivance. Recommended: CHSTU 101 or ANTH 215. Offered: jointly with ANTH 325; W.

CHSTU 330 Chicano/Chicana Autobiography (5) SSc
Explores the issue of Chicano, or Mexican American, identity. Examines statements of selfhood by Chicanos, studied in order to understand the relationship between individual and society in creating identity.

CHSTU 332 Chicano Film and Narrative (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Provides a historical overview of the evolution of Chicano culture through film. Critically examines the portrayal and self-portrayal of Chicanos in film and selected works of narrative. Taught in English.

CHSTU 340 Latina/Latino Theater (5) A&H
Explores the contextual, theoretical, thematic, and formal dimensions of U. S. Latina and Latino theater and performance art in the contemporary period. Examines performances and play scripts as a way of analyzing innovations in form, language, and content produced by Chicano/Latino teatro and performance art.

CHSTU 342 Working Latinas and Latinos: Changing Sites of Identity in Daily Life (5) SSc, DIV
Sociological examination of Latina/o working lives. Focuses on inequalities and power relations that shape diverse socio-economic working experiences and social change across distinct Latino communities. Covers race and gender consciousness, informal/formal work, labor recruitment, changing contexts of home and family, youth and children's work, entrepreneurship, organizing, and immigration and labor legislation.

CHSTU 352 Latina/o Migrations: A Comparative Analysis (5) SSc, DIV
Comparative studies of migrations to the U.S. from Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. Key theories and conceptual frameworks for understanding Latina/o migration and other key migrations to the U.S. Analyses of structural powers, the state, and identify formation in areas such as work, family, political participation, and community.

CHSTU 354 Unions, Labor, and Civil Rights in California and Pacific Northwest Agriculture (5) SSc
Comparative study of Southwest and Pacific Northwest farm workers against the social movement of the 1960s, its significance in the socio-political development of the Chicano civil rights movement, and its legacy. Uses historical and social science research methods along with analytical criticism to examine the period of social history.

CHSTU 356 The Chicano Family (5) SSc
The historical, psycho-social, and sociocultural role of the Chicano family from Meso-American times to the present.

CHSTU 359 U.S. Latino Politics (5) SSc, DIV
Examines historical and current political incorporation of Latinos in the United States. Topics include Latino voting and voter mobilization, office seeking and representation, Latino public opinion, and public policy formation on "Latino issues." Offered: jointly with POL S 359.

CHSTU 404 Advanced Chicano Studies in Humanities (5, max. 15) A&H, DIV
Comparative interdisciplinary study of changing cultures and social movements of Chicano and Latino communities in the U.S. across the Americas, and the diaspora. Literature, film, music, performance, visual, and material culture. Topics include ethnicity, gender, labor, family, migration, diasporic and transborder communities, indigeneity, social movements, law, politics, and the environment. Offered: AWSpS.

CHSTU 405 Advanced Chicano Studies in Social Science (5, max. 15) SSc, DIV
Advanced study of historical, cultural, social, political, and economic experiences of Chicanas/os and Latinas/os in the US across the Americas and diaspora through social science theories and methods. Topics include ethnicity, gender, labor, the military, family, migration, diasporic and transborder communities, indigeneity, social movements, global health, the law, politics, and the environment. Offered: AWSpS.

CHSTU 416 Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States (5) SSc, DIV
Historical, ethnographic, and theoretical perspectives in the study of Mexican-origin communities in social movements in Mexico and the United States with a focus on workers, immigrants, peasants, women, indigenous peoples, and students as forces of collective mobilization and social, cultural, and political change. Offered: jointly with ANTH 416.

CHSTU 435 Latinas and Labor in the Neoliberal Age (5) SSc, DIV
Social, political, and economic forces shaping the lives of Latina workers under neoliberalism. Recommended: CHSTU 101 or AES 150.

CHSTU 465 Contemporary Chicano Literature (5) A&H
Examines one or more problems, themes, and/or figures in the developing body of Chicano literature. Taught in English.

CHSTU 466 Chicano Literature: Fiction (5) A&H
Examines nineteenth- and early twentieth-century fiction, as well as contemporary works in attempts to trace the development of Chicano fiction in the proper historical trajectory. Taught in English.

CHSTU 498 Special Topics in Chicano Studies (3-5, max. 10) SSc
Interdisciplinary course concentrating on one or more aspects of the Chicano experience.

CHSTU 499 Independent Study and Research (1-6, max. 10)
Students work individually or in teams.