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HSERV 100 Personal and Public Health (3) SSc
Provides an overview of the key components of health and wellness. Presents a balance between individual responsibility and social determinants of public health, emphasizing a holistic preventative model. Incorporates self-assessment and considers the impact of personal, family, social, cultural, and environmental factors on health.

HSERV 204 Communicating about Health: Current Issues and Perspectives (3)
Provides an overview of health communication topics and perspectives for students who are interested in pursuing careers in the health industry and those with a research interest in health communication such as caregivers, health care administrators, marketing and public relations professionals, media planners, public health promoters, and educators, researchers and others. Offered: WSp.

HSERV 230 Sleep and Population Health (3) SSc/NSc
Examines the role of sleep in population health, including risk factors and short and long-term consequences for inadequate sleep. Expands understanding of sleep science and how sleep can function as not only an outcome, but also as a predictor, mediator, confounder, and effect modifier of health outcomes and disparities. Also explores established and emerging sleep interventions and their potential to improve population health outcomes. Offered: W.

HSERV 290 Special Topics (1-6, max. 12) SSc
Explores current or evolving areas of interest in public health.

HSERV 343 Health Behavior and Health Promotion (5)
Introduction to health behavior change and health promotion. The course will cover theoretical foundations of health behavior and health promotion, as well as how to apply theory and evidence in health promotion practice. It will also introduce strategies for implementing and evaluating health promotion programs. Course overlaps with: B HLTH 435. Offered: A.

HSERV 344 Public Health and Health Systems Management (5)
Introduces public health and health systems management concepts. Students learn key tenets of high-performing public health and healthcare organizations, and environments in which these organizations operate. Examines a variety of health system models, including governmental public health, healthcare delivery systems, accountable communities of health and other collaborative models. Offered: W.

HSERV 345 Community Health Assessment (5)
Introduces role of assessment in planning for community health improvement through health promotion activities. Considers determinants of health; methods to find, collect, and analyze quantitative and qualitative data; interpret findings to describe the health resources, risks, and outcomes; role of assessment in identifying health disparities and patterns of health inequities. Offered: Sp.

HSERV 346 Using Economics to Solve Today's Healthcare Problems (4) SSc
Health economics is a growing field and an important aspect of public policy. Introduces health economics and the tools economists use to analyze current issues in health care. Furthers the understanding of economics and how it is used in current debates. Prerequisite: ECON 200. Offered: jointly with ECON 346; A.

HSERV 415 War and Health (4) SSc
Explores the health consequences of war (injury, infectious diseases, mental health, chronic disease, malnutrition, infrastructure) and the role of health professionals and others in preventing war (advocacy, measurement and application of epidemiology methods, promotion of social equity). Offered: jointly with G H 415; Sp.

HSERV 454 Homelessness in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in a City of Affluence (1/3, max. 3) SSc, DIV
Covers the landscape and types of homelessness in Seattle and beyond. Topics include: causes and health consequences of homelessness, the role of destitute poverty in the loss of housing stability, history and politics of homelessness in Seattle, the effects of COVID-19 on homeless policy, hearing the voices of the unhoused, activism, shaming and saviorism, and solutions, big and small. May only be taken for credit once.

HSERV 473 Topics in Indigenous Health (2/3) SSc, DIV
Covers the fundamentals of Indigenous health, including Indigenous conceptual frameworks specific to health, wellness, and resilience. Topics include Indigenous social determinants of health, Federal Indian health policy, and American Indian and Alaska Native trends in population health outcomes within the context of the socio-ecological model.

HSERV 475 Perspectives in Medical Anthropology (5) SSc
Introduction to medical anthropology. Explores the relationships among culture, society, and medicine. Examples from Western medicine as well as from other medical systems, incorporating both interpretive and critical approaches. Offered: jointly with ANTH 475.

HSERV 476 Introduction to Applied Qualitative Methods in Public Health (4)
Covers qualitative methods in public health research and practice, including exploratory and descriptive studies, human subjects and ethics review, frameworks, theory and hypothesis generation, content and thematic analysis, sampling approaches, and interviews, focus groups, document review, observations, and photovoice. Students apply practical skills to code, analyze, interpret, and visually present qualitative data.

HSERV 479 Black Lives and Police Violence: Racism and the Public's Health (4) SSc, DIV
The effects of racism on health are profound and multi-dimensional. Critically analyzes theories of human behavior in relation to epidemiological concepts of race, against the backdrop of the current Black Lives Matter movement in the United States. Offered: Sp.

HSERV 482 The Health of Populations (4) SSc, DIV
Explores what makes a population healthy or unhealthy. Examines why the United States is less healthy than all other rich countries, despite being one of the healthiest fifty years ago. Offered: jointly with G H 482; W.

HSERV 488 Dark Empire: Race, Health, and British Society - Abroad (6) SSc, DIV
Explores factors responsible for the well-being and health of black and other racial/ethnic minorities in Britain. Addresses: the National Health Service; ethnic diaspora, anti-immigration laws; urban riots; inequality, and the rise of Muslim fundamentalism and Islamophobia. Conducted in Britain.

HSERV 490 Advanced Topics (1-6, max. 12) SSc
Explores current or evolving public health problems. Offered: W.

HSERV 493 Public Health Uganda (2) DIV
Prepares students to conduct a research project in Uganda. Students refine a research question, conduct a literature review, prepare data collection instruments, and make Institutional Review Board applications. Faculty recruit and cultivate the research project topics in advance from their contacts in Uganda. Offered: jointly with G H 493; W.

HSERV 499 Independent Study in Health Services (1-12, max. 12)
Individual library or field study project selected in consultation with a faculty adviser.

HSERV 504 Health Promotion and Behavior Change Communication ([1-3]-, max. 3)
Overview of the theory and practice of designing, producing, and evaluating public health communication campaigns, including the use of mass media. Develops greater capacity for critical judgment about the use of communication strategies for achieving public health goals.

HSERV 507 Health Communication and Marketing for Health Promotion: Theory and Practice (3)
Provides an introduction to the field of health communication and social marketing. Focuses on how persuasive communication and marketing are most effectively used to improve population health and reduce inequities. Students develop and present a health communication campaign proposal.

HSERV 508 Dynamics of Community Health Practice (3)
Analysis of principles of community health as applied to the delivery of clinical services in order to improve public health, reduce disparities, provide leadership in delivery of care, and synthesize one's clinical role with public health. Examines environmental, social, cultural, and behavioral determinants of health. Includes family, aggregates, and populations. Offered: jointly with NURS 560.

HSERV 509 Public Health and Informatics (3)
Introduction to the emerging field of public health informatics. Covers general public health topics as well as key public health informatics issues and applications. Evaluates a public health information system. Prerequisite: either BIME 530 or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with BIME 533; W.

HSERV 510 Social and Behavioral Sciences in Health Program Planning and Implementation (3)
Provides an overview of three core areas in the social and behavioral sciences of public health practice and research: social determinants of individual and population health, health promotion and disease prevention, and cultural competency and community collaboration. Offered: A.

HSERV 511 Introduction to Health Services and Public Health (3-4)
History, organization, and effectiveness of U.S. healthcare and public health systems. Determinants of health, need, and utilization. Public and private financing. Supply and provision of personal and public health services. Managed care. Government and private sector roles. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

HSERV 512 Health Systems and Policy (3)
Students review and examine selected topics from literature. Includes need and access to care; theory and effects of health insurance; private and public insurance programs; managed care; costs/expenditures; availability and organization of health resources; and quality assessment and improvement. Enrollment priority for Health Services PhD students.

HSERV 513 Health Policy Research (3)
Extends students' understanding of the nature of health policy and health policy development in the context of a market-based economy. Enrollment priority for Health Services PhD students.

HSERV 514 Social Determinants of Population Health and Health Disparities (3)
Explores the elements and actions of a population health approach, including conceptualizing the determinants of health, synthesizing knowledge about major social determinants, and applying knowledge to improve population health and reduce health disparities. Enrollment priority for Health Services PhD students. Offered: jointly with EPI 547.

HSERV 515 War and Health (4)
Explores the health consequences of war (injury, infectious diseases, mental health, chronic disease, malnutrition, infrastructure) and the role of health professionals and others in preventing war (advocacy, measurement and application of epidemiology methods, promotion of social equity). Offered: jointly with G H 515; Sp.

HSERV 516 Introduction to Health Services ([3-4]-)
Provides overview of healthcare system, exposes students to current issues and developments affecting organization and delivery of health services, helps students develop ability to frame and analyze questions and issues related to health services. Prerequisite: registration in Extended MPH degree program.

HSERV 517 Qualitative Research Methods for Health Systems and Population Health (3)
Builds on introductory training in qualitative research methods by diving deeper into different frameworks, study designs, sampling approaches, and data collections tools. Covers various data analytic approaches, as well as data visualization, interpretation, writing and presenting qualitative research findings. Students learn to apply these concepts and execute a qualitative research project from start to finish. Course overlaps with: NMETH 535 and NMETH 588.

HSERV 518 Social and Ethical Issues (2-4, max. 4)
Presents introduction to ethical issues in public health policy and practice. Additional one credit option focuses on health administration/managed care. Coursework designed to train students in basic skills of ethical analysis and increase competency in recognizing, researching, and analyzing issues arising in public health and health services delivery.

HSERV 519 Study Design and Causal Inference (1)
Increases depth of knowledge about causal inference in impact evaluation. Applies the elements of causal inference to impact study design and statistical analysis, including the concept of statistical conclusion validity, internal validity, construct validity, and external validity. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

HSERV 520 Applied Research Methods in Public Health (4)
Skills and knowledge necessary to conduct orderly investigation of specific problems in preparation for Master of Public Health thesis or Capstone project. Includes problem identification, posing research questions, literature review, consideration of theoretical and practical context, choosing study design, methods review and selection, protection of human subjects, and recognizing potential errors. Prerequisite: registration in Online Master of Public Health degree program.

HSERV 522 Health Program Evaluation (3/4)
Focuses on the use of evaluations within health programs. Discusses how program evaluations utilize research methods to answer questions concerning efficacy, implementation, and drivers of changes in health. It also looks at the reasons for creating program evaluations -- the drivers of evaluation, how results can be transformed into action, and the role of equity in formulating and implementing evaluation results.

HSERV 523 Advanced Health Services Research Methods I: Large Public Databases; Big Data (4-5)
Introduces the new big data of health services research, health claims, and survey databases. Discusses the promises and pitfalls of the data and models for analyzing the correlates of health care costs and utilization. Prerequisite: either HSERV 511, BIOST 511/BIOST 512/BIOST 513, BIOST 517/BIOST 518, or EPI 511/EPI 512, and permission of instructor.

HSERV 524 Advanced Health Services Research Methods II: Hierarchical and Incomplete Data (4-5)
Introduces advanced biostatistical techniques for analyzing incomplete data in population health research. Examines a wide range of topics including: missing data and potential outcome framework for causal inference, propensity score and multiple imputation, multilevel random effect linear and logistic models, and empirical Bayes prediction Prerequisite: either HSERV 523 or permission of instructor.

HSERV 525 Advanced Health Services Research Methods III: Causal Inference Using Observational Data ([4/5]-)
Focuses on reviewing statistical methods developed for "micro" (individual-level) data on behavior (choices or exposures) and outcomes in order to make causal inference about the role of a choice or an exposure on outcomes. Prerequisite: either HSERV 523, BIOST 511, BIOST 512, BIOST 513, or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with HEOR 551.

HSERV 526 Advanced Methods for Global Health I (4)
Focuses on the advanced concepts, theories, and methods of implementation science in global health, with a specific focus on fidelity, adaptation, strategy selection, de-implementation, sustainability, scale-up, advanced trials designs, qualitative methods, and mixed methods. Assumes prior knowledge of the fundamentals of implementation science. Prerequisite: G H 541 or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with G H 535/HMS 535; A.

HSERV 527 Survey Research Methods (4)
Provides students with skills in questionnaire development and survey methods. Students develop a questionnaire and design a survey research proposal on a health-related or social topic. Prerequisite: either HSERV 511/HSERV 513; BIOST 517/BIOST 518; or EPI 512/EPI 513, which may be taken concurrently, or permission of instructor. Students should have a survey project in mind. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 527/G H 533.

HSERV 528 Critically Appraising and Applying Evidence in Healthcare (3)
Literature appraisal skills for various articles (therapy effectiveness, diagnostic tests, literature reviews, clinical measurement, prognosis, quality of care, decision analysis, causation/etiology, guidelines, and economic evaluation). Appraisal of clinical information from literature, strengths/weaknesses of data, analyses, study design/applicability to a current patient's problem. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with BIME 540.

HSERV 529 Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Evidence (3)
Conceptual understanding of the quantitative methods used to synthesize evidence. Methods for pooling evidence across independent studies, pooling binary/continuous outcomes, differences between fixed and random effects models, and guidelines for appraising published systematic reviews/meta-analyses. Prerequisite: either introductory level courses in statistics, epidemiology, or biostatistics or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with BIME 541/EPI 541/PHARM 529.

HSERV 531 COPHP Population Health and Community Development (6)
Population Health considers social and other factors that determine health. The course challenges dominate views of health. We compare health in the United States with other countries. In Community Development, we learn asset-based community engagement. Students work directly with community members, advocates, and service organizations to address health issues. Offered: A.

HSERV 533 COPHP Quantitative Methods (6)
Acquaints students with methods of epidemiology and biostatistics used in conceptualizing, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative data on health outcomes and risk factors with quantitative methods for evaluating programs or treatments that address health concerns in populations. Expands skills in communicating quantitative aspects of public health, using writing, tables, and graphs. Offered: W.

HSERV 534 COPHP Health Behavior and Health Promotion and Environmental Health (6)
Environmental Health reviews scientific principles utilized in environmental public health and examines the occurrence of diseases resulting from environmental and occupational exposures. Health Behavior and Promotion reviews theory and practice of planning and evaluating public health promotion problems and applying sound judgment when deciding about identification, audience segmentation, and intervention selection. Offered: Sp.

HSERV 536 Emerging Infections of International Public Health Importance (3-)
Focuses on the nexus between emerging infections and increasing globalization of the world due to the mobility of people and goods. Examines emergent events through risk factors and associated macro changes implicated in their genesis. Reviews microbial evolutionary strategies and factors of emergence. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Offered: jointly with EPI 529.

HSERV 537 COPHP Health Policy (6)
Covers concepts and analytic tools for health policy analysis, development, and advocacy, while exploring factors affecting public health policy, including science and community values. Student write a policy statement for an advocacy organization, teach a lay audience about an issue, and arrive at policy conclusions based on quantitative data.

HSERV 538 Participatory Evaluation and Community Engagement (6)
Covers concepts and approaches for program evaluation in public health. Uses one case, including a final assignment requiring students to work as a team to design an evaluation. Synthesizes accumulated skills and knowledge a public health professional uses to work with communities to advance public health. Integrates a broad array of skills to consolidate perspectives of the many players that interact in dynamic community settings. Offered: W.

HSERV 540 COPHP Management and Leadership (6)
Explores the principles of leadership and management within the context of public health organizations. Explores the distinction between management and leadership and examines the management functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the use of human and financial resources to accomplish the goals of the organization.

HSERV 541 Topics in Maternal and Child Health I (3-)
Provides an overview of the historical and legislative basis for the major MCH health and social service policies and programs. Uses the life-course perspective to examine the social determinants of health and development of women, children, and adolescents. Pays special attention to racial inequities on the health of families.

HSERV 542 Epidemiology of Maternal and Child Health Problems ([3-4]-)
Contributions to understanding and prevention of major maternal and child health problems, including pregnancy outcome, infant and child morbidity and mortality, maternal morbidity and mortality, abnormal child growth and development, and early-life factors in adult health problems. Prerequisite: graduate, medical, or dental school standing and EPI 511 or EPI 512 or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with EPI 521.

HSERV 544 Maternal and Child Health in Low and Middle Income Countries (3)
Emphasizes critical health problems of women and children in developing countries in social, economic, and cultural contexts. Practical approaches to developing MCH programs shared via lecture/discussions, exercises, and small group work. Students acquire skills in baseline assessment, setting objectives, planning and evaluating interventions, and involving communities. Offered: jointly with G H 544; W.

HSERV 548 Research Methods for Social and Contextual Determinants of Health (3)
Explores study-design, measurement, analytic, and interpretation issues applicable to research on social and contextual determinants of health and health disparities. This lecture/seminar course is offered to graduate students with knowledge of epidemiologic and biostatistical principles who are interested in understanding complex relationships between social/contextual factors and health. Prerequisite: one of the following: (1) EPI 511 or EPI 512; and BIOST 511 or BIOST 517; (2) PHI 512; (3) permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with EPI 548; W.

HSERV 551 Public Health Law (2-4, max. 4)
Focuses on the role of law in public health administration and in the increasingly regulated healthcare industry. Provides a foundation in the relevant law for public health officers and healthcare industry administrators. Offered: jointly with LAW H 512; A.

HSERV 552 Health Policy Development (3-)
Uses primarily case- and problem-based learning and small-group projects to focus on factors that influence public policy development concerning health services in the U.S., with some global health content. Examines the roles of science and stakeholder interests in the structure of and changes to a nation's health system. Course overlaps with: HSERV 553. Offered: A.

HSERV 553 Health Policy Development and Advocacy in the United States (4)
Practice-oriented course designed to enhance knowledge and cultivate skills for U.S. health policy development. Students learn effective policy analysis, research, and communications skills. Course overlaps with: HSERV 552.

HSERV 554 Homelessness in Seattle: Destitute Poverty in a City of Affluence (1/3, max. 3)
Covers the landscape and types of homelessness in Seattle and beyond. Topics include: causes and health consequences of homelessness, the role of destitute poverty in the loss of housing stability, history and politics of homelessness in Seattle, the effects of COVID-19 on homeless policy, hearing the voices of the unhoused, activism, shaming and saviorism, and solutions, big and small. May only be taken for credit once.

HSERV 555 Health Disparities (2)
Focuses on health disparities and health inequity in the United States. Course will cover both theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding patterns of health across social groups, with a focus on designing research and public health programs to addressing health disparities. Offered: W.

HSERV 556 Tobacco-Related Health Disparities (1/2)
Integrates multiple disciplinary perspectives to address the pressing issue of disproportionate tobacco use and related diseases among marginalized populations, including those defined by socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Explores links between, and intervention strategies for, smoking and mental illness, social stress, acculturation processes, and genetics.

HSERV 558 Tobacco and Public Health: Prevention, Treatment, Policy, and Social Change (1-3, max. 3)
Integrates multiple disciplinary perspectives to provide a comprehensive overview of the history, health effects, policy, prevention, and treatment of tobacco use. Utilizes readings, stimulates discussions, and hosts renowned experts to provide students with the foundation to understand and address the local, national, and global epidemic of tobacco use.

HSERV 559 Health Policy and the Public's Health (4)
Explores the factors that affect health policy and the interaction of policy, markets, and the legal system through public health examples. Examines how science and community values intertwine in policy development, and how context influences the structure of and changes to a nation's health system.

HSERV 560 Adult Learning: Theory and Practice (3)
Designed to help students apply Popular Education theory and practice to preparation, presentation, and evaluation of health education. Students design, teach, and evaluate four separate teaching sessions (one between each seminar) using theory and principles of Popular Education learned to date. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

HSERV 561 Introduction to Health Promotion Planning and Evaluation ([0-3]-, max. 3)
Links practice to theory between the planning, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion intervention and behavior change theory. Uses PRECEDE/PROCEED planning model by Green and Kreuter as framework.

HSERV 566 Public Health Leadership I: Organizational and Financial Management (5)
Covers the organizational and financial management of public health organizations. Organizational management topics include decision making, managing employees, diversity, leadership, and strategic planning. Financial management topics include financial reports, determining program costs, budgeting, and financial program evaluation. Students work on case studies and a final project that integrate the two disciplines.

HSERV 567 Public Health Leadership II: Systems Thinking for Public Health Leaders (4)
Explores leadership and systems thinking to address complex public health issues. Prepares students to partner with a variety of stakeholders and participate in community-based coalitions. Students create problem statements and systems maps, apply an equity lens to solving public health issues, set programmatic goals, develop strategies to improve health, and discuss financing strategies for sustainable change and resource management.

HSERV 568 Health Economics (3)
Applies microeconomics principles and models to understand the nature of health care markets and systems. Includes a wide range of health sector activities and policy issues by applying rigorous economic analytical tools coupled with review of key econometric and empirical analysis. Prerequisite: introductory coursework in microeconomic principles and basic statistics. Offered: W.

HSERV 570 Project Management in Public Health (3)
Focuses on project management skills necessary to work effectively in the public health environment. Students learn how to design and conduct needs assessments, create planning and implementation documents, manage resources, plan for sustainability, monitor and evaluate projects, and address cost, time, and scope constraints.

HSERV 571 Cultural Competency for Public Health Practice ([1-4]-, max. 4)
Application of cultural competency to clinical practice, healthcare management, and health services research when working with culturally diverse populations. Methodological orientation is qualitative, historical, and ethnographic. Lecture, narratives, discussions, guest presentations, film, video. Interdisciplinary perspective appropriate for graduate students in public health, health administration, nursing, social work, and anthropology.

HSERV 572 Planning, Advocacy and Leadership Skills (4)
An opportunity to master basic concepts, analytic tools, and skills for health program and policy planning, advocacy, evaluation and leadership skills under close mentor-ship of faculty and teaching staff in an interdisciplinary and applied setting. Engages MPH and other graduate students with real-world public health problems, partners with local community health organizations, builds skills and competencies in a number of topics and processes. Offered: Sp.

HSERV 573 Topics in Indigenous Health (2/3)
Covers the fundamentals of Indigenous health, including Indigenous conceptual frameworks specific to health, wellness, and resilience. Topics include Indigenous social determinants of health, Federal Indian health policy, and American Indian and Alaska Native trends in population health outcomes within the context of the socio-ecological model.

HSERV 575 Cancer Prevention and Control (3)
Provides an overview of research in cancer prevention and control for students training for a career in this field. Students identify major areas of prevention and control research, conduct an analysis of data in cancer prevention and control, and learn to prepare a research project grant. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

HSERV 576 Health, Culture, and Community (3)
A multidisciplinary approach to the development of leadership in personal and organizational cultural competence in community-based participatory research. Emphasizes understanding collaborative assessment, planning, and evaluation of health promotion and disease prevention programs to address the social determinants of health at the population level. Offered: jointly with NURS 557; W.

HSERV 577 Health Behavior and Preventative Medicine ([2/4]-, max. 4)
Focuses on psychosocial and cultural factors related to health, preventive health behavior, illness perception, and behavior; theoretical basis for prevention; the interaction of consumers and providers in the delivery of healthcare services; and clinic and community based applications.

HSERV 578 Preparing, Writing, and Critiquing Scientific Research Proposals (2-3)
Experience in preparing, organizing, and writing research proposals, following NIH and AHRQ guidelines. Includes weekly assignments and didactic exercises, leading to final research proposal. All students participate in mock study section to review and critique proposals. Prerequisite: second-year graduate student (PhD recommended), or PhD or MD in health-related field. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with EPI 588.

HSERV 579 Structural Racism and Public Health (1)
Introduces the concept of institutional racism and ways structural racism undermines public health. Discusses history of racism and intersections between structural racism and other systems of oppression. Explores relationship to racism and ways internalized racism acts as a barrier to health equity. Considers public health practitioners' role in addressing racism. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

HSERV 580 Foundations of Health Behavior and Social Determinants of Health (2)
Provides an overview of core areas of health behavior and social determinates of health, including: social determinants of health; population health and health disparities; community engagement; and working effectively in diverse communities. Offered: A.

HSERV 581 Strategies of Health Promotion (4)
Assessment of health promotion planning, implementation, and evaluation strategies for their strengths, weaknesses, and effectiveness. Students critique strategies to modify behavioral factors that influence lifestyles of individuals, including decisions influencing their reciprocal relationship with environmental factors affecting the health of individuals, organizations, and communities.

HSERV 584 Assessing Outcomes in Health and Medicine (3)
Seminar course covering concepts and methods for developing and using patient-reported outcomes in health and medicine. Emphasis on patient self-reported health status and quality of life. Qualitative research and psychometric methods applied to health outcomes assessment and all applications. Prerequisite: HEOR 530; either BIOST 511; BIOST 512; and BIOST 513 (which may be taken concurrently), or BIOST 517 and BIOST 518; EPI 512 and EPI 513 (or equivalent); and permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with HEOR 534; Sp.

HSERV 585 Seminar in Medical Geography (5, max. 10)
Intensive research seminar dealing with new and promising research themes in medical geography and public health. Offered: jointly with GEOG 581.

HSERV 586 Medical Geography (3)
Geography of disease, consideration in health systems planning. Analysis of distributions, diffusion models, migration studies. Application of distance, optimal location models to health systems planning; emergency medical services; distribution of health professionals; cultural variations in health behavior. Prerequisite: familiarity with social science research; health-related issues. Offered: jointly with GEOG 580.

HSERV 587 Health Policy Economics (3)
Applies economic theory to selected topics in healthcare, including information, risk and insurance, industry organization, government regulation, and public health issues. Emphasizes policy implications of these applications. Offered: jointly with ECON 547.

HSERV 589 Community Based Participatory Research and Health (3)
Begins with a research topic of importance to the community with the aim of combining knowledge and action for social change. Provides an understanding of principles and strategies, and appreciate of its advantages and limitations, and skills for participating effectively.

HSERV 590 Selected Topics in Health Services (*-, max. 30)
Explores current or evolving public health problems. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

HSERV 591 Community Oriented Public Health Practice (1-6, max. 42)
Seven-quarter integrated sequence covers public health aspects of community assessment, biostatistics, epidemiology, health promotion/disease prevention, behavior change, environmental health, community development, policy development and analysis, and program planning and management. It is taught in a problem-based format. Prerequisite: enrollment in the COPHP program.

HSERV 592 Program Seminars (1-6, max. 20)
Graduate seminars organized to address specific educational needs of students in various fellowships, residencies, and other specialized programs within the Department of Health Sciences (i.e., maternal and child health, international health, preventive medicine, social and behavioral sciences). Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

HSERV 593 Public Health Uganda (2)
Prepares students to conduct a research project in Uganda. Students refine a research question, conduct a literature review, prepare data collection instruments, and make Institutional Review Board applications. Faculty recruit and cultivate the research project topics in advance from their contacts in Uganda. Offered: jointly with G H 583; W.

HSERV 595 Practicum/Field Work in Community Medicine ([1-12]-, max. 12)
Experience in variable time blocks in community health activities in agencies delivering and planning health services. Sites include neighborhood clinics, health planning bodies, medical practice settings, public health agencies, special problem clinics and facilities, environmental programs and services. Prerequisite: master's student in health services and permission of instructor.

HSERV 598 Public Health Integrative Learning Experience (4)
Students create a culminating project for the Online Master of Public Health program, demonstrating extensive knowledge about a specific public health topic, synthesizing theory and knowledge acquired in prior coursework, the practicum, and other learning experiences. Students complete a project from start to finish and prepare a final report and an oral presentation. Prerequisite: enrollment in the Online Master of Public Health program.

HSERV 599 Capstone Project (*-)
Applies and extends the public health skills learned to other settings, develops new skills, expands a professional network, and provides specialized knowledge that can be used to advance the student's future career and effectiveness in public health.

HSERV 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

HSERV 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

HSERV 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)