Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
EDUC 170 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (5) NSc
Covers basic concepts of numbers and operations. Emphasizes problem solving, communication of mathematical ideas, and analysis of sources of difficultly in learning/teaching these concepts. Maximum 6 credits allowed between EDUC 170; B EDUC 170; MATH 170; and MATH 171. Course equivalent to: B EDUC 170. Course overlaps with: TMATH 171.
EDUC 171 Math for Upper Elementary and Middle Grades Teachers (5) NSc
Covers concepts of numbers and operations, measurement, geometry, and statistics and probability typically taught in the upper elementary and middle grades. Emphasizes problem solving, modeling, communication of mathematical ideas, and analysis of sources of difficulty in learning these concepts. Course overlaps with: TMATH 171; TMATH 172; and TMATH 173.
EDUC 200 Special Topics in Education, Learning, and Society (3-5, max. 15) SSc
Critical examination of current research and practice in education, learning, and society.
EDUC 210 Current Issues in Education (5, max. 15) SSc
Covers a current issue and provides the opportunity to read and discuss educational issues with other students and faculty and to learn of opportunities in the College of Education programs. Issues vary by term and faculty.
EDUC 211 Political Philosophy of Education (5) SSc
Discusses education as an instrument essential to the production of good lives for individuals as well as social structures capable of facilitating such lives. The driving assumption is that contemporary societies are alarmingly incapable of promoting happiness, and much of the discussion is dedicated to the role education might play in the social change needed to foster good lives for all.
EDUC 212 Navigating Higher Education and Society I: Identity and Community (2) DIV
Examines the concept of Community Cultural Wealth, and how the six forms of capital in this framework may be manifested in students' daily lives, and the lives of other men of color. Explores the complex causes of educational inequity. Interrogates the ways in which certain sociocultural identities are traditionally marginalized in higher education settings but can also be utilized as assets. For Brotherhood Initiative Program students only.
EDUC 213 Navigating Higher Education and Society II: Race, Gender, and Belonging (2) DIV
Focuses on the concept of sense of belonging, particularly as it pertains to men of color attending predominantly White postsecondary institutions. Applies a sociocultural lens to understanding the role that belonging plays in both formal and informal learning environments. Explores the use of strategies such as mindfulness and high-impact practices to shape learning ecologies. For Brotherhood Initiative Program students only. Prerequisite: EDUC 212.
EDUC 214 Navigating Higher Education and Society III: Agency and Authorship (2) DIV
Delves into the concepts of agency and self-authorship within the context of racial and gender identities. Explores how cultural and gendered narratives influence identity, postsecondary choices, and everyday experiences. Examines factors that impact decision-making and academic socialization for undergraduate men of color. For Brotherhood Initiative Program students only. Prerequisite: EDUC 213.
EDUC 215 Resilience and Wellness in College and Beyond (5) SSc
Students will learn skills to enhance their wellbeing in college and in their life in general. Particular focus will be given to skills that help people withstand common difficulties in life. Skills will include but will not be limited to mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness skills. Students will also learn about research underlying stress, resilience, and related skill areas.
EDUC 216 Thriving on the Path to Happiness (5) SSc
Scientific theories for experiencing happiness. Develops behavioral strategies and skills for enhancing subjective well-being, interpersonal relationships, and opportunities for happiness. Continuation of the content in EDUC 215. Prerequisite: EDUC 215.
EDUC 221 Education and the Playfield (3) SSc
Examines the intersection of education and sport from early childhood to college experiences. Explores educational themes related to physical development, sport's influence on individual and community development, access to physical activities, equity and inclusion within the sports environment, and the role of sports in social change.
EDUC 225 Introduction to Language, Education and Society (5)
Introduces core issues involved in language usage in education and how it plays an important role in not only education but our lives in general. Provides a broad view of language in education. Discussions and topics explore the role of language, usage and structure, variations, how children learn and influences from policy. Examines myths about languages and language in education. Recommended: LING 200.
EDUC 231 Developing Youth through Sport and Physical Activity (5)
Exploration of the influence of sport and physical activity to positively impact the lives of young people. The concept of 'Sports-Based Youth Development' will be introduced and how educators and leaders can proactively utilize athletics and activities to effectively build social-emotional and bio-physical skills in participants.
EDUC 240 Introduction to Education (3) SSc
Uses a socioecological developmental perspective to examine the complexities of the field of education and understand the distinctions between schooling and learning. Includes both teaching and learning in traditional school spaces and beyond. Special attention is paid to issues of educational justice and the systematic oppression found in many educational structures.
EDUC 251 Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces the need for and challenges in establishing educational equity and diversity. Discussions explore theories, historical trends, and ongoing debates. Readings draw from academic and popular sources, and class sessions include use of multimedia resources and experiential activities. Course overlaps with: B EDUC 210.
EDUC 255 Sisterhood Initiative Seminar I (1/2, max. 6) DIV
Seminar on selected themes that encourages students to reflect on and examine relevant topics through an intersectional lens. Topics vary by quarter. For Sisterhood Initiative Program students in their first year of undergraduate studies only.
EDUC 260 Equity Issues in K-12 Education (1, max. 8) SSc
Introduces equity, access and social mobility, in relation to educational access and post-secondary planning. Frames communication techniques and identity reflection in the context of building skills for mentoring youth from diverse backgrounds. Students will learn about post-secondary planning basics including topics such as the financial aid process, editing personal statements, and writing resumes. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 280 Introduction to Education, Communities, and Organizations: Re-envisioning Education (3)
Introduction to the disciplinary fields that constitute the Education, Communities, and Organizations (ECO) major: Human development, learning theory, equity studies, organizational studies, and community engagement. Provides an overview of the ECO major, including core courses, learning objectives, faculty, and community partners.
EDUC 299 Education, Learning, and Society Colloquium (1)
Provides a common learning experience where students learn from researchers and practicing educators about current pedagogical projects and theories. Fosters self-reflexive projects to build understanding of learning pathways. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 300 Special Topics in Education, Learning, and Society (1-5, max. 20)
Critical examination of current research and practice in education, learning, and society.
EDUC 303 BI Leadership Academy II (1-2, max. 6)
Second year leadership seminar for Brotherhood Initiative students. This course will serve as a critical examination of leadership theory and practice for civically engaged student leaders.
EDUC 310 Current Issues in Education (5, max. 20) SSc
Covers a current issue and provides the opportunity to read and discuss educational issues with other students and faculty and to learn of opportunities in the College of Education programs.
EDUC 315 Issues and Trends of Educational Theory, Research, and Practice (3-5, max. 15) SSc
Examines issues and trends in the past and present that have influenced or may have the potential to influence the field of education. Research, discussion, and reading assignments enable students to analyze and understand topics such as charter schools, accountability, privatization, national standards, and other topics. Course overlaps with: B EDUC 300.
EDUC 317 Emotion Regulation: Dialectics and Applications (5) SSc
Exposes students to the theory and practice of emotional understanding and regulation as it relates to their current lives, in interactions with others, and their future careers. Prerequisite: EDUC 215 and EDUC 216. Offered: AWSp.
EDUC 320 Independent Community-Based Learning (1-5, max. 10)
Students participating in self-selected community-based learning reflect on their experience by articulating the personal impact of the experience and identifying connections with career goals. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 325 Histories of Self-Determination in Indigenous and Black Education (5) SSc, DIV
Explores histories of Indigenous and Black self-determination in education, centering the educational experiences of Native and Black students pre- and post-settler colonialism and slavery in the U.S. through the twenty-first century. Conceptualizes decolonial, abolitionist, and culturally sustaining/revitalizing educational spaces for these and other historically and contemporarily marginalized students.
EDUC 331 Sport Leadership and Coaching (3)
Focuses on the coach as a leader. Emphasizes how coaches lead to create an athletic environment that integrates peak athletic performance with the holistic well-being of athletes.
EDUC 335 Educational Equity and Access In and Beyond Schools (5) SSc, DIV
Explores issues and questions pertaining to the history of inequitable access to public schools and learning opportunities beyond schools in the U.S. Course overlaps with: EDUC 305.
EDUC 340 Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Justice in a Changing World (3) SSc, DIV
Culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP) offers a vision of school that seeks to perpetuate and foster linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism as part of schooling for positive social transformation and revitalization. Reclaiming and reimagining schooling as a site to sustain Indigenous, Black, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander communities, including the ways these identities/memberships intersect multiple other identities.
EDUC 350 Education to Incarceration: The School-to-Prison Pipeline (5)
Illuminates the connection between the education system and the prison industrial complex, with a focus on the national phenomenon known as the School-to-Prison Pipeline. Explores harsh disciplinary policies that disproportionately drive students out of classrooms and into the criminal justice system. Enhances comprehension of the policies, practices, and issues surrounding the School-to-Prison Pipeline.
EDUC 351 Wellness and Education Achievement in Men of Color (5) SSc, DIV
Provides an overview of various factors that shape the lives of men of color along the educational pipeline. Includes discussions on the tensions, contradictions, and possibilities.
EDUC 355 Sisterhood Initiative Seminar II (1/2, max. 6) DIV
Seminar on selected themes that encourages students to reflect on and examine relevant topics through an intersectional lens. Topics vary by quarter. For Sisterhood Initiative Program students in their second year of undergraduate studies only.
EDUC 360 The Dream Project: Mentoring and Education Policy (1, max. 8) SSc
Discusses social justice topics in relation to mentoring high school students in the U.S. public education system. Expands upon mentoring skills gained in EDUC 260 through focusing on other systems of oppression and guest speakers. Includes diverse perspectives from educators, community partners, and relevant research. Supports students' mentorship on college readiness and other postsecondary pathways. Prerequisite: EDUC 260. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 361 The Dream Project: Special Topics (1, max. 8) SSc
Provides discussion and exploration of a single topic related to social mobility and access to higher education. Designed for students who have already completed EDUC or EDUC 360 who wish to examine a topic more closely. Corequisite: EDUC 369. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 369 The Dream Project: High School Visits - Field Experience (1, max. 8)
Involves weekly travel to local high schools, mentoring students from diverse backgrounds on college readiness and other postsecondary pathways. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 370 Learning Within and Across Settings (5)
Explores forms of learning that happen outside of the traditional classroom environment by engaging with learning theories across and within settings. Examines different environments to see how learning happens in community contexts. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 301.
EDUC 375 Digital Media Literacy (3) A&H
Examines the role that media plays in our lives and communities and how digital technologies have impacted the media we consume, share, and create. Develops a personal framework for media literacy while also exploring how media literacy is taken up in a variety of learning settings.
EDUC 381 Interpersonal Effectiveness and Coaching in Social Emotional Learning (5) SSc
Focuses on teaching students the evidence basis behind, and practical skills in, implementing social emotional learning to support their well-being, coaching their peers in improving their social emotional skills, and the foundations for how to implement social emotional learning in individual, small group, or individual classroom settings. Prerequisite: EDUC 215 and EDUC 216. Offered: AWSp.
EDUC 390 Community in Education: Teaching and Organizing (3/5) DIV
Covers the transformative potential of teaching and organizing and the tools to bring about positive social change in communities. Explores pedagogy and practice through the lens of a Chicanx decolonial and humanizing framework known as Tiahui. Bridges the gap between theory and application, engaging with both historical and current Chicanx educational movements in the Pacific Northwest.
EDUC 400 Education Studies Capstone (2/4, max. 4)
Supports students in synthesizing their learning experiences across courses. Students examine their own growth and development and identify shared experiences with others. Emphasis placed on understanding issues of equity and naming opportunities to dismantle barriers and challenge systems of oppression in the field of education. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 401 Practicum in Community Service Activity (1-18, max. 20) SSc
Tutoring and teaching experiences in a school or community service organization. Placement made according to participant interests and needs. Participation on a predetermined schedule plus scheduled orientation and debriefing sessions are required.
EDUC 405 Postcolonial Identities in the Arts, Education, and Society (5)
Explores ways to use the arts to create postcolonial educational approaches that honor diverse identities. Investigates intersections of identity, colonialism, the arts, and power. Discussions, assignments, and community visits draw on theories from sociology, anthropology, ethnic studies, postcolonial studies, and education. Includes a practical project that advances postcolonialism in educational and societal spaces.
EDUC 411 Practicum in Community Service Activity (1-18, max. 20) A&H
Tutoring and teaching experiences in a school or community service organization. Placement made according to participant interests and needs. Participation on a predetermined schedule plus scheduled orientation and debriefing sessions are required.
EDUC 421 Practicum in Community Service Activity (1-18, max. 20) A&H/SSc
Tutoring and teaching experiences in a school or community service organization. Placement made according to participant interests and needs. Participation on a predetermined schedule plus scheduled orientation and debriefing sessions are required.
EDUC 440 Art, Education, and Climate Justice (5) A&H, DIV
Explores the affordances of the arts as a way of seeing the deeply related challenges of climate change, equity, and social justice that are unfolding so dramatically around us. Introduces some of the current science related to climate change. Focuses on the educational challenges of climate change that foreground issues of equity and justice.
EDUC 451 The Role of Sport in Social Justice and Change (5)
Examination of diversity themes (race, class, gender, sexuality and physical ability) together with historical sport events through a social justice framework. The role and influence of sport in our society will be examined, with a focus on influences of power, institutions, and systems.
EDUC 460 Education, Communities, and Organizations Capstone Internship Preparation ([0.5/1]-, max. 1)
Prepares students to access and navigate the unique Education, Communities, and Organizations (ECO) major capstone internship placement process while building camaraderie as a cohort. Students reflect on their lived experiences in order to vision a meaningful and responsive community-engaged capstone internship experience. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 472 Individuals, Groups, Organizations, and Institutions (5) SSc
Examination of current research and practice in the field of individual, group, and organizational theory, with special focus on application to educational and community-based organizations.
EDUC 473 Community Based Research and Practice (5)
Focuses on understanding the principles and practices required for effective and equitable community-based research and practices in education. Prerequisite: EDUC 251.
EDUC 481 Community-Based Capstone I (5)
Prepares students for intensive community-based internship in EDUC 482 through creation of literature review and capstone project proposal. Prerequisite: EDUC 251; EDUC 370; EDUC 460; EDUC 472; and EDUC 473.
EDUC 482 Community-Based Capstone II (5)
Intensive community-based internship experience, including the completion of a substantial product that contribute to the organization's mission and current initiatives. Prerequisite: EDUC 481.
EDUC 483 Community-Based Capstone III (5)
Culminating seminar to present community-based project, situate community work within course of study and prepare for graduate study and/or job market. Prerequisite: EDUC 482.
EDUC 503 Education, Equity, & Society Colloquium (1-2, max. 15)
Explores the meaning, purpose and significance of education in diverse community contexts with the aim of contributing to local and global educational equity and social change. Combines strong disciplinary foundations with applied study and research to uncover traditions of agency and collective action in education. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of faculty adviser and Graduate Program Coordinator.
EDUC 750 Capstone Experience (2-10, max. 30)
Provides advanced opportunities to integrate theory and practice through a capstone learning and research experience. Prerequisite: permission of faculty adviser and Graduate Program Coordinator. Credit/no-credit only.
EDUC 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of Supervisory Committee Chairperson and Graduate Program Coordinator.
EDUC 801 Practice Doctorate Project/Capstone (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of Supervisory Committee Chairperson and Graduate Program Coordinator.