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IPM 500 Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis (3)
Provides a suite of analytic and group process tools for harnessing the energy and potential of an organization to implement selected policies. Provides a framework for examining vexing societal issues, developing alternative policies to address them, and analyzing their effects and costs.

IPM 501 Comprehensive Emergency Management (3)
Covers the principles and practices of risk reduction, presenting disasters as realized risk and benefits as realized opportunities. Provides the ability to use emergency management approaches and tools, along with insights into intergovernmental programs and relationship and their broader social context. Offered: S.

IPM 502 Introduction to Infrastructure Systems (3)
Introduces infrastructures; systems thinking; the history, basic concepts, legal frameworks, politics, processes, and techniques used in infrastructure systems courses; and climate change as emerging yet lasting phenomenon. Includes overview of IPM online learning environment. Offered: jointly with URBAN 581.

IPM 503 Infrastructure Finance (3)
Covers how to pay for infrastructure, including planning, budgeting, and public/private partnerships. Examines the relationships between infrastructure finance, urban form, and sustainability; local government finance, budget accountability, and equity issues; and infrastructure investments in changing economic climates, forms of finance available for infrastructure, collective decision-making, and alternative forms of project delivery. Offered: S.

IPM 504 Applied Geo Spatial Analysis (3)
Provides the theoretical and practical skills needed to use a Geographic Information System (GIS) for analyzing spatial phenomena on the urban and regional scale. Focuses on principles and methods of spatial analysis and their application to strategic planning, risk management, and hazard mitigation.

IPM 505 Climate Change and Infrastructure (3)
Takes an in-depth look at climate change and examines each of the six major infrastructure systems in relationship to climate change phenomena. Includes climate change causes and effects; global, national, state, and local mitigation and adaptation strategies; and mitigation and adaptation strategies for infrastructure systems. Offered: jointly with URBAN 563; Sp.

IPM 506 Energy Systems (3)
Explores energy systems as infrastructure critical to the national and global economies; provides an overview of energy resources, production, and delivery. Examines elements of energy infrastructure, how energy systems function, global energy consumption and environmental considerations, and the history and influence of energy sector regulation and adaptation to changing markets. Offered: jointly with URBAN 582; A.

IPM 508 Risk Assessment and Business Continuity (3)
Provides an introduction into how organizations ensure they will survive disasters. Covers the concepts and tools organizations use to survive, and applies them to government and private systems, including energy, water, food, transportation, public health, and communications. Offered: jointly with URBAN 583; A.

IPM 509 Communications and Cyber Infrastructure Systems (3)
Explores communications and cyber infrastructure systems, including a variety of systems that are interconnected through public networks. Provides insight into how natural and human-made stresses on infrastructure are amplified and exacerbated by the presence of networks that increase the interdependence of infrastructure. Offered: S.

IPM 510 Water Systems (3)
Water and water supply as a system element. Water and especially freshwater, as an essential and limited resource. Looks at aging water infrastructure; user conflicts; changes in water distribution tied to climate changes; intergovernmental policy, programs, and relationship; management strategies and tools; and their effect on water and water supply. Offered: jointly with URBAN 584; AW.

IPM 511 Food Systems (3)
Food systems as a part of infrastructure. Why they matter for planners and policy makers; current production models; global trade and localization responses, policy approaches to hunger alleviation and food access; emerging concerns around food and climate change; land use issues, food justice, and governmental responses to food system concerns. Offered: W.

IPM 512 Public Health Systems (3)
Survey of issues surrounding private and public healthcare systems in relation to emergency healthcare services. Includes healthcare cultures, critical communication, government funding, emergency preparedness, and psychological recovery from major traumatic events. Offered: jointly with URBDP 569.

IPM 513 Capstone A: Research Design (3)
First of two culminating courses to support students in the development of a capstone project that demonstrates the combination of skills and knowledge accrued in the MIPM program. Students select a topic, develop a research design, and begin conducting the research for their project. Offered: Sp.

IPM 514 Transportation Systems (3)
Explores transportation systems that move both people and freight on land, water, and in the air and that are critical to keeping the economy of the United States functioning as infrastructure that will be notably impacted by global climate change. Discusses the relationship between the public and private sectors.

IPM 515 Capstone B: Implementation (3)
Second of two culminating courses to support students in the development of a capstone project that demonstrates the combination of skills and knowledge accrued in the MIPM program. Students complete their research and the project, and present to faculty and peers. Prerequisite: IPM 513. Offered: S.

IPM 516 Community Resilience (3)
Applies a resilience lens to stressed communities. Students apply resilience concepts to real world communities and infrastructures impacted by real events, and gain practice in supporting policies, programs, and projects that enhance overall resilience. Offered: Sp.

IPM 517 Specialized Planning Laboratory (6)
Studio and field projects related to a specialized planning problem associated with floodplain management. Offered: S.

IPM 518 Legal and Administrative Framework for Planning (3)
Reviews political, legal, and administrative institutions closely related to the floodplain planning process. Examines issues related to devolution of authority and public representation and participation. Covers the legal basis for planning and associated regulation relevant to floodplain management. Offered: S.

IPM 520 Floodplain Management Seminar I (2)
Focuses on floodplain management issues, providing context for those new to the field and offering experienced practitioners an opportunity to engage professional experts on emerging concerns. Addresses opportunities to use social media in managing floodplains as well as fundamental science/tools relevant to the field. Offered: S.

IPM 521 Floodplain Management Seminar II (2)
Focuses on current floodplain management issues and examines the application of new approaches to the field. Offers experienced practitioners an opportunity to engage professional experts while also relating leadership and conflict resolution skills to the application of floodplain management approaches. Prerequisite: IPM 520. Offered: S.

IPM 522 Geomorphology in Floodplain Management and Landscape Design (3)
Covers geologic and geomorphological processes of rivers, floodplains, and coastal areas in context of landscape planning. Lectures, laboratory exercises, and field trips emphasis understanding fundamental physical landscape process and its application to landscape planning with an emphasis on management of flood-prone areas. Offered: S.

IPM 523 Ecological Processes in Coastal and Floodplain Management (2)
Examines hydrologic, biologic, and ecological concepts of rivers, floodplains, and coastal areas in the context of floodplain management and landscape planning. Lectures, laboratory exercises, and field trips emphasize understanding fundamental processes and methods and their application to planning and management. Offered: S.

IPM 528 Floodplain Management and Planning for River Population (3)
Focuses on the systematic study of floodplain management processes and strategies for near river communities. Offered: S.

IPM 598 Special Topics (1-6, max. 12)
Systematic study of specialized subject matter. Topics vary for each quarter, depending upon current interest and needs. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

IPM 600 Independent Study or Research (*)
Directed Study. Topics determined according to program needs. Offered: AWSpS.