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MED 490 Special Topics in Medicine (1-10, max. 20)
In-depth study of current topics in medicine. Offered: AWSpS.

MED 498 Undergraduate Thesis (*)

MED 499 Undergraduate Research (1-10, max. 25)
Laboratory research within the Department of Medicine. Available to undergraduate students. Must be supervised directly by UW faculty within UW PI lab, no remote labs. Offered: AWSpS.

MED 503 Cardiac Ultrasound (1)
Instruction will be given in how to 1) acquire cardiac ultrasound images at three acoustic windows, 2) identify cardiac anatomy in standard views, and 3) recognize key pathologies: left and right ventricular dysfunction and dilatation and pericardial effusion. Following a course introduction, students will work self-paced, alone or in pairs, on a mannequin-based simulator. Prerequisite: MED C standing or Undergraduate premedicine students with Senior status. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

MED 505 P-Preceptorship in Medicine (1, max. 12)
To provide opportunity for first- and second-year medical students to gain personal experience with medical practice situations by being stationed with carefully selected clinical faculty members in their offices. Prerequisite: permission of department. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

MED 507 HIV in Latinos (1-, max. 12)
Students shadow an attending physician, and participate in routine and acute visits for a primarily Spanish-speaking patient population. Includes Spanish-language health education and rapid HIV testing sessions, and encourages attendance at a community event targeting the Latino HIV community. Prerequisite: permission of instructor; conversational Spanish proficiency or FAMED 556. Credit/no-credit only.

MED 510 Health Issues of Sexual Minorities (1)
Introduction to the special healthcare issues and barriers confronting persons identified as bisexual, gay, lesbian, or transgendered. Includes lectures, panels, and case presentations by faculty and community experts.

MED 515 Medicine as Culture (1)
Examines the ways that medical practice, the medical profession, and ideas about sickness and health are embedded in society and culture, as a way of contextualizing biological phenomena and medical knowledge. Credit/no-credit only.

MED 522 Introduction to Human and Medical Genetics (2, max. 12)
Provides in-depth examination of current topics in human and medical genetics with an emphasis on clinical and molecular diagnosis of genetic conditions, approaches to therapy, research, and molecular genetic technology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

MED 525 Introduction to Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (1)
Introduces gerontology and geriatric medicine. Explores topics in geriatric medicine including: multidisciplinary care, dementia and delirium, falls, polypharmacy, urinary incontinence, fragility, and end-of-life care. Employs a combination of lectures, time spent interviewing and observing patients in hospital-based clinics, private homes, long term care and continuing retirement communities, and bedside teaching with a healthcare provider. Credit/no-credit only.

MED 530 AIDS: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2)
Comprehensive overview of the public health, clinical, and laboratory aspects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and disease. Topics include the pathogenesis, natural history, and management of HIV infections; the impact of HIV/AIDS on community and global healthcare; and prospects for prevention and control. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with EPI 530/G H 562.

MED 531 P-Human Genetics (*)
Weekly seminar dealing with a variety of topics in medical genetics given by faculty of the Division of Medical Genetics and related departments and divisions. Open to medical students with a good foundation in genetics.

MED 533 P-Clinical Endocrinology (2)
Includes brief lectures followed by instructor-led interviews with patients to illustrate the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of the major endocrinopathies. Students gain a greater appreciation of the impact these disorders have on patients' lives. Prerequisite: second year medical students.

MED 534 Wilderness Medicine (1)
Provides training in medical emergencies and clinical situations unique to wilderness settings where access to medical care is limited. Students gain experience in patient assessment, extrication, and the management of common wilderness situations including altitude illness, burns, trauma, diving injuries, hypo- and hyperthermia, and toxin exposures. Offered: Sp.

MED 536 Introduction to Critical Care Medicine (1)
Uses a combination of didactics, time spent observing rounds and physicians on-call in the ICU as well as dedicated bedside teaching by a critical care attending physician to teach about core topics in pediatric and adult critical care medicine including shock, respiratory failure, sepsis, mechanical ventilation, and palliative care. Offered: W.

MED 540 Preventing Healthcare Associated Infections (1)
Multidisciplinary approach to understanding, measuring, and developing policy to prevent healthcare associated infections. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with EPI 505.

MED 546 Clinical Applications of Gene Therapy (2)
Overview of the current status of gene therapy. Discusses its role in the future practice of medicine. Lecture and literature reviews.

MED 547 Quantitative Methods in Medical Genetics (2)
Computational methods of use for medical genetics. Review of problem sets. Topics range from basic probability to linkage analysis. Prerequisite: genetics and permission of instructor.

MED 549 Clinical Medical Genetics (1, max. 6)
Review of current clinical advances in medical genetics. Includes lectures and discussion of cases from medical genetics clinic. Prerequisite: genetics or human genetics and permission of instructor.

MED 555 P-Mind, Body, and Pen: Writing and the Art of Becoming a Physician (1)
Provides forum for medical students to write about issues in medicine and medical education. Focuses on writing as a process for giving voice to the conflicting demands and dilemmas of becoming a physician. Explores personal narratives, dreams and disappointments, chronic illness and death, empathy and revulsion, authenticity and power. Offered: W.

MED 556 Visual Thinking and Medical Diagnosis (1)
Uses visual thinking strategies to look at art and enhance diagnostic acumen. Expands observational and critical thinking skills, and encourages open-ended discussion. Skills applied in assessing patients. Combination of slide sessions and observation of original objects at Seattle museums. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

MED 557 Hispanic Health and Healthcare Disparities (1)
Covers Hispanic culture and language, history of Hispanics in the United States, Hispanic health status issues, and effective strategies for working across cultures and linguistic barriers. Designed to help the learner understand and respond better to the healthcare needs of the Hispanic community. Credit/no-credit only.

MED 561 Tropical Medicine (1)
Intended for professional health science students interested in learning the pathophysiology, epidemiology, and clinical presentation of disease conditions that are more commonly seen in less-developed countries, resource-limited settings, or tropical climates, and how to diagnose, treat, and follow the resolution of these diseases with commonly limited resources. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with G H 561; Sp.

MED 566 Clinical Arts: Building Habits of Mind for Clinical Practice (1)
Builds observation and communication skills while developing awareness of habits of mind and comfort with ambiguity. Builds skills through discussion-based observation of artworks and objects in the Anchorage Museum collection as well as reflective writing and art making.

MED 569 Addiction Medicine (1)
Themes relevant to treatment of substance-using patients. Designed to build curiosity and increase familiarity with individual and societal factors that impact such patients, including various forms of bias and discrimination. Students develop and practice skills in order to become competent future providers for drug-using patients. Prerequisite: enrollment in graduate health science programs. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

MED 573 Clinical Management of HIV (2)
Provides in-depth case-based training on the diagnosis and clinical management of HIV and associated conditions. Includes interactive format with clinician-educators from the UW Division of Infectious Diseases. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

MED 598 P-Medicine Independent Study and Remediation (*, max. 8)
Designed for medical students required to complete additional study related to the required Internal Medicine clerkship offered during the patient care phase of the School of Medicine curriculum. Intended for students in remedial or extended programs to master fund of knowledge. Prerequisite: department permission. Offered: AWSpS.

MED 599 P-Transfusion Machine (3)
Group discussions and didactic sessions cover broad category of transfusion medicine. Hands-on laboratory experience in red cell serology/compatibility, coagulation, and histocompatibility with emphasis on diagnosis and management of clinical problems. Based at Puget Sound Blood Center. Prerequisite: fourth-year medical student standing; third-year student standing with permission of instructor.

MED 600 Independent Study or Research (*)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.