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OPMGT 301 Principles of Operations Management (4)
Examines problems encountered in planning, operating, and controlling production of goods and services. Topics include: waiting-line management, quality assurance, production systems, project management, and inventory management. Computer and quantitative models used in formulating managerial problems. Prerequisite: ACCTG 225; ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH125, MATH 134, or Q SCI 291; either ECON 311, IND E 315, QMETH 201, Q SCI 381, PSYCH 315, PSYCH 318, STAT 220, STAT 301, STAT 221/SOC 221/CS&SS 221, STAT 311, or STAT 390.

OPMGT 402 Introduction to Logistics (4)
Logistics studies of the efficient delivery of goods and services. A total-cost approach recognizes this involves not only the obvious vehicle-routing issues but also shipment size and mix, warehouse location, product design, and customer services. Includes study of real companies' logistics problems. Prerequisite: OPMGT 301.

OPMGT 443 Inventory and Supply Chain Management (4)
Examines modeling and analysis of global supply chains in order to improve service and decrease cost. Covers tools and methods for managing inventory of items with different demand and supply characteristics. Topics include forecasting, Just-in-Time production, deterministic and stochastic inventory models, Materials Requirements Planning; and supplier management. Course overlaps with: B BUS 482; B BUS 483; B BUS 486; B BUS 487; ELCBUS 482; ELCBUS 483; ELCBUS 486; and ELCBUS 487. Prerequisite: OPMGT 301.

OPMGT 450 Introduction to Project Management (4)
Focuses on management principles, methods, and tools to effectively plan and implement complex projects. Includes project selection, preparation, planning, and monitoring. Covers classical techniques and new methodologies; spreadsheet-based tools; and probabilistic project simulation from strategic, tactical, and operational perspectives. Prerequisite: OPMGT 301.

OPMGT 490 Special Topics in Operations Management (1-6, max. 12)
Operations management topics of current concern to faculty and students. Potential topics: logistics management, project scheduling, manufacturing strategy, site and location analysis, management of service operations. Prerequisite: OPMGT 301.

OPMGT 495 Operations Management Internship (1-4, max. 8)
Internship with a private firm, nonprofit organization, or government agency, where work experience involves substantial application of analysis techniques and management concepts learned in classroom. Prerequisite: OPMGT 301. Credit/no-credit only.

OPMGT 499 Undergraduate Research (1-6, max. 9)

OPMGT 502 Introduction to Operations Management (3)
Managerial decision making in operations problems, including application of quantitative analysis and use of computers. Production of goods or services in any type of organization. Inventory management, scheduling, facility location, management of service systems, and quality assurance. Prerequisite: QMETH 500.

OPMGT 520 Operations Management (4)
In this course, important concepts and the state of the art analytical techniques essential for managing the operations of any organization, especially hi-tech companies, are covered. In particular, topics such as process management, capacity and waiting lines management and inventory and supply chain management are introduced. Offered: Sp.

OPMGT 530 Risk: Measurement, Management, and Leadership (2/4, max. 4)
Presents holistic enterprise perspective on management tools and frameworks to understand and identify risk in various business settings. Emphasizes how to measure, manage, and improve a firm's risk position through leadership, and how to adapt an organization to deal with risk, from suppliers, customers, operational disruptions, imposed and unexpected regulation, and from digital business models. May only be taken for credit once. Prerequisite: QMETH 500 and B A 501 (or equivalent). Offered: AS.

OPMGT 540 Sustainable Design of Global Supply Chains (2/4, max. 4)
Learn how to build and operate a sustainable and resilient supply chain. Discuss strategic and operational decisions to design and manage a global supply chain, such as where to locate facilities, where to source from, how to coordinate worldwide operations to enhance performance, how to manage risk, how to embrace sustainability challenges, and how to account for relevant legal and tax issues. May only be taken for credit once. Prerequisite: B A 502 or equivalent. Offered: A.

OPMGT 550 Project Management (4)
Management of complex projects, and tools and techniques (e.g., CPM and PERT) developed to aid the planning, scheduling, and control of projects. Includes work breakdown structures, precedence networks, Gantt charts, resource leveling and allocation, and the use of microcomputer programs. Prerequisite: B A 502 or OPMGT 502 or equivalent.

OPMGT 560 Supply Chain Management (4)
This course focuses on efficient integration of suppliers, factories, warehouses and stores so that merchandise is produced and distributed in the right quantities, to the right locations and at the right time. The course objectives are to develop modeling skills and provide concepts applicable to the design, planning of supply chains. Offered: W.

OPMGT 565 Business Analytics-Tools for Big Data (2/4)
Introduces data analytic techniques via quantitative tools and sophisticated software (R and Tableau). These techniques are drawn from machine learning, data mining, and optimization. Note that this is not a technical or theoretical course. Offered: ASp.

OPMGT 570 Operations Strategy (4)
Strategic management of operations and manufacturing in domestic and international companies. Developing and implementing a coherent strategy based on continuous improvement of quality, productivity, products, processes, and customer services. Facilities, capacity, process/work-force planning, organization, people, systems integration, coordination between operations, marketing, engineering, and R&D. Prerequisite: B A 502 or OPMGT 502 or equivalent.

OPMGT 579 Special Topics in Operations Management (2/4, max. 12)
Major topics in operations management and systems analysis. Emphasis on research and, where appropriate, application of quantitative analysis and computers. Topics vary, including workforce planning, project management, research and development management, quality assurance, technology planning and forecasting, systems analysis of complex organizations, and urban systems analysis. Prerequisite: B A 502, OPGMT 502, or equivalent.

OPMGT 581 Advanced Research Topics in Operations Management I (4)
Overview of research problems and techniques in operations management. Focuses on emerging and ongoing research relating to current issues in the field, including readings and discusions of literature deaing with subjects of special interest to participants. Prerequisite: doctoral student or permission of instructor. Offered: A.

OPMGT 582 Advanced Research Topics in Operations Management II (4)
Overview of research problems and techniques in operations management. Focuses on emerging and ongoing research (beyone those discussed in OPGMT 581) relating to current issues in the field, including readings and discusions of literature deaing with subjects of special interest to participants. Prerequisite: doctoral student or permission of instructor. Offered: W.

OPMGT 583 Advanced Research Topics in Operations Management III (4)
Examinse interdisciplinary research in operations and supply chain management. Focuses on one specific application area of interest each quarter including: healthcare, sustainability, marketing, game theory, economics, etc. Prerequisite: doctoral student or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.

OPMGT 584 Fundamentals of Operations Management Research (4)
Surveys basic areas that form the foundations for much of the research in operations management today. Topic areas include facility location, scheduling, project management, and supply chain management. Prerequisite: QMETH 580. Offered: W.

OPMGT 587 Advanced Topics in Inventory Management (4)
Survey of literature in inventory/production control with emphasis on current research. Topics include single-echelon deterministic and probabilistic models and multi-echelon stochastic models. Prerequisite: QMETH 592 and course in probability theory and in stochastic processes.

OPMGT 590 Stochastic Models for Research in Business Management (4)
Covers the foundation and applications of stochastic models used in business and management research. Prerequisite: doctoral student or permission of instructor. Offered: A.

OPMGT 599 Doctoral Seminar in Operations Management (1, max. 12)
Study and research in advanced topics of operations management. Concerned with unpublished areas of research and conducted by visiting professors and departmental faculty. Prerequisite: doctoral student status.

OPMGT 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)