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ORTHO 449 Directed Studies in Orthodontics (*)
Students and faculty with common academic interests pursue them together within the curriculum by means of independent study and a tutorial student-faculty relationship. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 550 P-Directed Studies in Orthodontics (*, max. 6)
See DPHS 449 for course description. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 551 Review of Selected Literature in Orthodontics (1)
Students select a topic for review, review appropriate literature, and prepare written critique. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: WSp.

ORTHO 552 Journal Club (1, max. 6)
Graduate students review the current orthodontic literature. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

ORTHO 560 Orthodontics Seminar (1-5, max. 25)
Methods of diagnosis, analysis, and treatment planning of malocclusion; analysis of methods and theoretical principles used in the treatment of malocclusion. The student presents a detailed case analysis and plan of treatment for each clinical patient supervised. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 562 Orthodontic Theory (1)
Lecture-seminar sequence dealing with interpretation and application of orthodontic principles and concepts. Pertinent literature, research findings, and current orthodontic theory are analyzed in depth. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 563 Orthodontic Theory (2)
Lecture-seminar sequence dealing with interpretation and application of orthodontic principles and concepts. Pertinent literature, research findings, and current orthodontic theory are analyzed in depth. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 564 Orthodontic Theory (2)
Lecture-seminar sequence dealing with interpretation and application of orthodontic principles and concepts. Pertinent literature, research findings, and current orthodontic theory are analyzed in depth. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 565 Orthodontic Theory (2)
Lecture-seminar sequence dealing with interpretation and application of orthodontic principles and concepts. Pertinent literature, research findings, and current orthodontic theory are analyzed in depth. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 566 Orthodontic Theory (2)
Lecture-seminar sequence dealing with interpretation and application of orthodontic principles and concepts. Pertinent literature, research findings, and current orthodontic theory are analyzed in depth. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 568 Practice Management (1, max. 3)
Provides intensive instruction in everything necessary to establish and manage successful practice in critical first year post-graduation and beyond. Spring and fall quarters encompass seminars and guest lectures and winter quarter encompasses office visits to practices. Offered: AWSp.

ORTHO 570 Roentgenographic Cephalometry (2)
Basic principles, history, and techniques of roentgenographic cephalometry. Offered: AS.

ORTHO 575 Interceptive and Preventive Orthodontics (1, max. 10)
Seminar for clinicians in limited-goal treatment of children. Emphasizes public health implications of interceptive orthodonics in reducing disparities and improving compromising malocclusions. Teaches rationale and mechanics of orthodontics in the mixed dentition; and insight to treatment of child. Topics include professional responsibility, cultural competence, nutrition, government aid, and child development. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 580 Functional Cranial Anatomy (2)
Lecture and laboratory dissection concentrating on clinical and functional anatomy of the head and neck. Offered: S.

ORTHO 582 Interdisciplinary Seminar (1)
Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Interdisciplinary Patients: Four quarters seminar and six clinic courses prepare graduate students in orthodontics, periodontics, and restorative dentistry to care for patients with complex orthodontic needs involving periodontal and/or restorative interaction. Clinical supervision under direction of three instructors who approve treatment plans and direct treatment. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 584 Clinical Management of Cleft Lip and Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies (1)
Management of these complex patients involves members of a dedicated, highly specialized multidisciplinary team. Insight gained into specific evaluation and treatment modalities of each discipline through lectures, seminars, assigned readings. Integrated approach to management is illustrated by attendance at craniofacial staffing and clinics. Prerequisite: enrollment in graduate orthodontics program. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.

ORTHO 585 Surgical Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (1)
Seminar for orthodontic graduate students and oral surgery residents in comprehensive, integrated diagnosis, and treatment planning for patients with major facial deformities. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 587 Management of Debilitated Dentitions (1-, max. 2)
Integrated diagnosis and treatment planning for patients with edentulous spaces, emphasizing use of osseointegrated implants and temporary anchorate devices. Offered: SpS.

ORTHO 589 Applied Psychology in Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry (1)
Application of psychological theories, research, and intervention strategies to orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. Topics include the principles of behavior change, patient compliance with therapeutic regimens, and motivations for orthodontic treatment. Prerequisite: graduate standing in dentistry or permission of instructor. Offered: A.

ORTHO 590 Scientific Methodology in Dental Research (2)
Formulates and discusses hypothetical research projects related to orthodontics. Includes review of the scientific method, evaluation of the dental literature, and discussion of proposed master's degree research projects.

ORTHO 591 Advanced Topics in Oral Biology I - Teeth and Bones (1-2, max. 2)
Covers aspects of biology basic to the dental sciences. Focuses on developmental biology of the craniofacial region, structure and function of teeth, bone, and the periodontium, and dental/oral sensation and pain. Offered: jointly with OHS 591; A.

ORTHO 597 Preclinical Technique (2)
Techniques of construction and manipulation of appliances used in orthodontic therapy for graduate students. Offered: S.

ORTHO 598 Archwire Formation (1)
Principles of wire bending and the use of orthodontic pliers. Offered: ASpS.

ORTHO 599 Biomechanics (1)
Principles of biologic reactions to application of orthodontic forces. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

ORTHO 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Managing the experimental protocol; data collection and analysis; and preparation and writing of a thesis or publishable manuscript. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: SpS.

ORTHO 631 Minor Orthodontic Treatment (1)
Clinical treatment of minor orthodontic problems suitable for the general dentist, i.e., direct clinical application of principles of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning for simple orthodontic appliances to modify tooth position in preparation for definitive restorative or periodontal therapy. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 660 P-Clinical Orthodontics (1-6, max. 24)
Clinical application of the techniques in the treatment of malocclusion. Prerequisite: students enrolled in the graduate orthdontics program. Offered: AWSpS.

ORTHO 682 Interdisciplinary Clinic (1)
Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Interdisciplinary Patients: Four quarters seminar and six clinic courses prepare graduate students in orthodontics, periodontics, and restorative dentistry to care for patients with complex orthodontic needs involving periodontal and/or restorative interaction. Clinical supervision under direction of three instructors who approve treatment plans and direct treatment. Offered: AWSpS.