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SPH 380 History and Practice of Public Health (5)
Provides a historical overview of public health as a framework to understand organization of contemporary public health and key issues faced today. Course overlaps with: TBIOMD 201. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 381 Science and Public Health (5)
Provide an overview and introduction to the ways different scientific disciplines are used to address public health goals. Course overlaps with: TBIOMD 201. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in SPH 380; either BIOL 118, BIOL 180, CHEM 120, CHEM 142, CHEM 145, or both MICROM 301 and MICROM 302. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 389 Race, Racism, and Public Health (5) DIV
Introduction to race, racism, and structural oppression, and their impact on the health and wellness of populations. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 391 Public Health Service Learning I (3-)
Service-learning experience where students work with community-facing organizations addressing health needs for a wide range of populations. Prerequisite: SPH 380. Offered: AW.

SPH 392 Public Health Service Learning II (-3)
Service-learning experience where students work with community-facing organizations addressing health needs for a wide range of populations. Prerequisite: SPH 391. Offered: WSp.

SPH 396 Intensive Public Health Service Learning (6)
Accelerated service-learning experience where students work with community-facing organizations addressing health needs for a wide range of populations. Prerequisite: SPH 380. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 480 Research Methods in Public Health (5)
Applies concepts and research methods to real public health problems. Prerequisite: EPI 320; a minimum grade of 1.7 in SPH 381; and a minimum grade of 1.7 in SPH 389. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 481 Ethics, Social Justice, and Policy in Public Health (5)
Integration of prior learning and consideration of public health decision from an ethics and justice perspective. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in SPH 480. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 489 Structural Racism and Public Health (1) DIV
Introduction to and exploration of institutional and structural racism in a public health context. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 490 Selected Topics in Public Health (1-5, max. 15)
In depth study of current public health topics. Offered: AWSpS.

SPH 491 Public Health Capstone I (2-)
Part one of integrative experience bringing together students' knowledge and skills acquired in the public health major. Prerequisite: SPH 380; SPH 381; and SPH 480, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: AWS.

SPH 492 Public Health Capstone II (-3)
Part two of integrative experience bringing together students' knowledge and skills acquired in the public health major. Prerequisite: SPH 491. Offered: WSpS.

SPH 493 Public Health Portfolio (3)
Culminating experience documenting student progress through the Public Health-Global Health Major. Prerequisite: either SPH 392 or SPH 396; and SPH 481, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 494 Honors Seminar in Public Health (2, max. 5)
Skill-building, discussion-based seminar designed to challenge ability to analyze issues in public health using topics raised in current media. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 495 Public Health Internship (1-5, max. 15)
Internship in public health related area. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

SPH 496 Public Health Capstone (5)
An integrative experience bringing together students' knowledge and skills acquired in the Public Health-Global Health Major. Prerequisite: SPH 380; SPH 381; SPH 480; and SPH 481, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: AWSpS.

SPH 497 Public Health Special Electives (1-5, max. 15)
Independent study of a current public health topic. Offered: AWSpS.

SPH 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15)
Individual research on a specific topic in public health. Offered: AWSpS.

SPH 589 Undoing Racism in Public Health (1)
Introduction to and exploration of institutional and structural racism in a public health context. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

SPH 590 Selected Topics in Public Health (1-5, max. 15)
In depth study of current public health topics.