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EDTEP 501 Community-Based Field Experience (1-10, max. 15)
Field experience and group discussions accompanying the first quarter of study in an Elementary Teacher Education Program. Field experience in community based organizations or school settings. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 502 Second Quarter Field Experience - Elementary (2-10, max. 15)
Field experience accompanying the second quarter of study in an Elementary Teacher Education Program. Observe school-year opening full-time in late August through September; field experiences during the quarter in supervised school placements. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 503 Third Quarter Field Experience - Elementary (2-6, max. 12)
Field experience and use of reflective process in small group discussions accompanying third quarter of study in an Elementary Teacher Education Program. Field experiences during the quarter in supervised school placements. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 505 Capstone Project: Tools for Reflection - Elementary ([1-3]-, max. 3)
Group discussions fostering integration of coursework, field experience, and teaching experiences through documentation and reflection on first year teaching experiences. Using certification standards for teachers, students illustrate their learning through multiple forms of evidence. Final capstone project is presented to an audience. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 506 Issues of Abuse (1)
Introduces students to issues that the State of Washington has determined to be significantly harmful to a child or youth, and when educators are expected to intervene. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 507 Introduction to Ambitious and Equitable Elementary Science Teaching and Learning (1)
Centers Ambitious Science Teaching, Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Science Teaching, and Learning in Professional Learning Communities, to prepare elementary teacher candidates who support elementary students learning across ethnic, racial, class, and gender identities. Introduces elementary teacher candidates to a new vision of participation in science, one that is more inclusive of a broad range of ideas. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 511 School and Society (3)
Exploration of issues regarding schooling and society, such as matters of value and value tension in American schools. Consideration of social values such as equality, opportunity, pluralism, and community; historical and contemporary evidence of values in schooling; and how values can conflict in policy and practice. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student.

EDTEP 513 Arts Integration in K-8 Education (2)
Identifies basic elements, principles, related concepts, and vocabulary of the creative arts. Introduces teacher candidates to various media, lesson planning, and ways of integrating the arts into planning academic and culturally and linguistically sustaining curricula for K-8 classrooms. Serves as a foundation for integrating arts across the curriculum. For College of Education elementary teacher education program students. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 515 Instructional Practice and Performance I (4)
Focuses on supporting teacher candidates to plan for, enact, and reflect on productive learning experiences for K-12 students where discussion is a central component and learning experience. First in a three-course series.

EDTEP 516 Instructional Practice and Performance II (4)
Supports candidates to plan for, enact, and reflect on a variety of assessment opportunities presented to K-12 students. Candidates analyze K-12 students' learning through investigation of a variety of assessment data points as evidence. Second in a three-course series.

EDTEP 517 Instructional Practice and Performance III (4)
Supports teacher candidates to plan for, enact, and reflect on productive learning experiences for K-12 students where engaging in rigorous content instruction is a central component and learning experience. Third in a three-course series.

EDTEP 520 Foundations in Teaching and Learning in Elementary Mathematics (3)
Develops a vision of equity-oriented mathematics teaching that supports children to develop conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and productive mathematics identities. Develops lenses for treating children as sensemakers and for honoring ideas and experiences they bring to the classroom. Builds specialized knowledge of mathematics required to teach young children. For College of Education elementary teacher education program students.

EDTEP 521 Teaching and Learning in Elementary Mathematics I (4)
Develops proficiency with practices of equity-oriented mathematics teaching, with a focus on assessing children's understanding and planning for and leading discussions of children's mathematical ideas. Builds specialized knowledge of mathematics required to teach young children. For College of Education elementary teacher education program students.

EDTEP 522 Teaching and Learning in Elementary Mathematics II (3)
Focuses on analyzing and adapting tasks and lessons from published curriculum to enact principles of equity-oriented mathematics teaching. Builds specialized knowledge of mathematics required to teach young children. For College of Education elementary teacher education program students.

EDTEP 523 Teaching and Learning in Science (3)
Science teaching in a manner consistent with how young children learn science concepts and skills. Opportunities are provided for work on science activities similar to those used with elementary school children and to experience many of the problems and successes of preadolescents. Open to College of Education Elementary Teacher Education Program students.

EDTEP 524 Physical Education and Health in the Schools (2)
Techniques and procedures for teaching physical education and health in elementary and secondary schools. For students in Teacher Education Program. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 530 Elementary Education Technology Seminar: Foundations of Digital Learning (1)
Supports elementary teacher candidates in creating engagements with technology that foster students' learning and identities. Challenges teacher candidates to critically reflect and examine their perspective on what it means to learn and teach with digital tools and media in a setting with elementary grade children. For College of Education elementary teacher education program students. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 531 Teaching and Learning in Literacy I (3)
Investigation of the multiple natures of literacy development. Students study the impact of culture and family on literacy development by reading and discussing a variety of texts while also experiencing the development of their own learning through literature study, the writing process, and oral presentations. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student.

EDTEP 532 Teaching and Learning in Literacy II (4)
Introduces participants to the content and process of literacy learning in elementary school. Study of abilities needed for effective literacy use, instructional strategies to help children acquire these abilities, and assessment strategies to evaluate student progress. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student.

EDTEP 533 Teaching and Learning in Literacy III (3)
Introduces participants to the content and process of literacy learning in elementary school. Study of abilities needed for effective literacy use, instructional strategies to help children acquire these abilities, and assessment strategies to evaluate student progress. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student.

EDTEP 541 Dilemmas of Teaching and Learning in Elementary School ([2-4]-, max. 4)
Covers human learning in the elementary school setting with emphasis on discipline-specific cognition and cognitive development. For College of Education elementary teacher education program students.

EDTEP 543 Teaching and Learning in Social Studies (3)
Strategies for teaching social studies through integrated thematic units of curriculum and instruction. For College of Education elementary teacher education program students.

EDTEP 544 Differentiated Instruction (1-4, max. 20)
Introduction to the concepts and practice of differentiated instruction for children with diverse developmental, linguistic, and cultural characteristics. For College of Education elementary teacher education program students.

EDTEP 551 Multicultural Teaching (3)
Concepts, theories, and strategies that constitute major dimensions of multicultural education. Focus on racial and ethnic groups, social class, and gender. Dimensions of multicultural education examined include content integration, knowledge construction process, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, and empowering school culture and social structure. Prerequisite: TEP student.

EDTEP 552 Assessment in Elementary Education ([1-2]-, max. 3)
Emphasis on methods of assessment that reinforce understanding of the various disciplines. Includes performance assessments, assessments of student projects and papers, traditional exams, and observational exams. Prerequisite: elementary TEP student.

EDTEP 555 Understanding Indigenous Perspectives: Implications for Teaching and Learning ([1-3]-, max. 6)
Provides participants a pedagogical approach in working with Native learners, families, and communities. Designed to enhance and engage students in understanding contemporary Native American history emphasizing local Pacific Northwest tribes and fulfilling Washington State House Bill 5433. Content focuses on incorporating Native knowledge and building beneficial relationships in curriculum development. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 560 Teaching for Learning in Secondary Schools I (3)
Studies human learning in an educational setting, with an emphasis on learning of school subjects. Topics include nature of learning, knowledge and teaching, motivation, culture, and cognition. First in a two-course sequence. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 561 Teaching for Learning in Secondary Schools II (2)
Study of human learning in an educational setting, with an emphasis on learning of school subjects. Topics include nature of learning, knowledge and teaching, motivation, culture, and cognition. Second of a two-course sequence. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 562 Adolescent Development and Education I (2-)
Overview of trends and issues of adolescent development and behavior in relation to contemporary secondary schooling. Examines psychological perspectives on adolescent identity, interpersonal relationships, academic engagement, and social deviancy in schools. First in a two-course sequence. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 563 Adolescent Development and Education II (-2)
Overview of trends and issues of adolescent development and behavior in relation to contemporary secondary schooling. Examines psychological perspectives on adolescent identity, interpersonal relationships, academic engagement, and social deviancy in schools. Second in a two-course sequence. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 564 Working in Schools (1-3, max. 20)
Explores the organizational, personal, and interpersonal aspects of working as a teacher in schools. Preparation for membership and leadership in a professional learning community and for continuing professional growth. For students in the College of Education Teacher Education Programs. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 566 Creating Classrooms for All Students (2/4, max. 4)
Provides middle and high school teachers with an understanding of how to organize their classrooms so as to encourage and teach civility and be familiar with the needs of special education students.

EDTEP 567 Bilingual Teaching Seminar (1, max. 5)
Serves as a bridge between methods courses and classroom practicum. Foundation for concepts such as translanguaging and biliteracy, along with developing a multilingual lens, understanding language expectations, and language separation in dual language classrooms. Open to College of Education Teacher Education Program students who are part of the bilingual teacher preparation. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 571 Topics and Tensions in School and Society (4)
Exploration of issues of value and value tension in American schools. Consideration of social values of equality, opportunity, pluralism, and community, historical and contemporary evidence of values in schooling, and how values can conflict in policy and practice. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 573 Assessment in Secondary Education (4)
Strong emphasis on methods of assessment that reinforce understanding of the various disciplines, including performance assessments, assessments of student projects and papers, traditional exams, and observational exams. Open to College of Education Secondary Teacher Education Program students.

EDTEP 574 Assessment in Secondary Education - Computer Science (3)
Surveys approaches to formative and summative assessment of computer science knowledge from both equity and psychometrics perspectives, and impacts of assessments on identity, interest, self-efficacy, and mindset. Emphasizes deliberate practice on computer science assessment design and critique and the tradeoffs of assessment automation technologies in supporting learning. Recommended: experience with at least one programming language; and EDTEP 573.

EDTEP 575 Working with English Language Learners and Literacy Across the Curriculum (4)
Prepares pre-service secondary teachers to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students in the mainstream secondary classroom. Emphasis on second language acquisition, critical literacy issues, and integration of language and literacy into academic content areas for adolescent learners.

EDTEP 577 Justice and Equity in Computer Science Teaching (3)
Covers foundational intersections between computer science content knowledge and issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. Addresses these issues in the computer science classroom, as well as society more broadly, developing critical consciousness of computer science and society. Recommended: previous coursework in computer programming.

EDTEP 580 Teaching English and Language Arts in Secondary School I (5-)
Teaching of English and language arts in middle, junior, or senior high school. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 581 Teaching English and Language Arts in Secondary School II (-3)
Teaching of English and language arts in middle, junior, or senior high school. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 582 Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School I (5-)
Teaching of mathematics in middle, junior, or senior high school. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 583 Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School II (-3)
Teaching of mathematics in middle, junior, or senior high school. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 584 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary School I (5-)
Developing, teaching, and evaluating social studies courses on the middle, junior, and senior high school levels. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 585 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary School II (-3)
Developing, teaching, and evaluating social studies courses on the middle, junior, and senior high school levels. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 586 Teaching Science in the Secondary School I (5-)
Teaching of science in middle, junior, or senior high school. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 587 Teaching Science in the Secondary School II (-3)
Teaching of science in middle, junior, or senior high school. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 588 Teaching World Languages I (5-)
Introduction to currently used foreign language teaching methods and approaches, including learning and teaching strategies and techniques for the four skills - reading, writing, speaking, listening - and culture. Current and future trends in pedagogy and technology. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 589 Teaching World Languages II (-3)
Introduction to currently used foreign language teaching methods and approaches, including learning and teaching strategies and techniques for the four skills - reading, writing, speaking, listening - and culture. Current and future trends in pedagogy and technology. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student.

EDTEP 590 Teaching Computer Science in Secondary Schools (3)
Skills in developing, rehearsing, enacting, and reflecting upon developmentally appropriate computer science lesson and unit plans. Students write learning objectives that consider prior knowledge and specific needs of a diversity of learners, developing skills to deconstruct and analyze lessons and plan the scope and sequence of longer units of study. Draws upon culturally relevant computing, project-based learning, and critical consciousness. Recommended: previous coursework in computer programming; and completion of other EDTEP methods courses.

EDTEP 591 First Quarter Field Experience - Secondary (2-5, max. 10)
Field experience accompanying the first quarter of study in the Secondary Teacher Education Program. Observe and assist weekly during the quarter in supervised school placements. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 592 Second Quarter Field Experience - Secondary (2-5, max. 10)
Field experience accompanying the second quarter of study in the Secondary Teacher Education Program. Supervised placements in summer school program. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 593 Third Quarter Field Experience - Secondary (2-5, max. 10)
Field experience accompanying third quarter of study in Secondary Teacher Education Program. Four weeks full-time plus daily part-time in supervised school placements. Prerequisite: secondary TEP student. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 595 Capstone Project: Tool for Reflection - Secondary ([1-3]-, max. 3)
Group discussions fostering integration of coursework, field experience, and teaching experiences through documentation and reflection on student teaching experiences. Using certification standards for teachers, students illustrate their learning through multiple forms of evidence. Final capstone project is presented to an audience. For College of Education secondary education program students. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Registration must be accompanied by a study prospectus endorsed by a Director of Teacher Education and the faculty adviser for the work proposed. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 601 Fourth Quarter Field Experience (2-10, max. 15)
Field experience during the fourth quarter of study in a Teacher Education Program. Full-time student teaching in supervised school placements. Prerequisite: TEP student. Credit/no-credit only.

EDTEP 602 Field Experience Computer Science - Secondary (5)
Practice teaching computer science in a supervised middle or high school placement in partner schools and districts who are working to diversify the teaching field. Candidates critique their own practices and receive feedback on ways to align their practices with equity and justice teaching pedagogy. Recommended: prior teaching experience, either through prior field placements or as an in-service teacher. Credit/no-credit only.