Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
UROL 498 Undergraduate Thesis (*, max. 35)
Provides an opportunity for medical students to write in the area of urology.
UROL 499 Undergraduate Research (*, max. 35)
The student participates in current urologic research projects under supervision of full-time staff. Certain specific problems may be elected by the student. Elective for medical students.
UROL 501 P-Urology Preceptorship (1, max. 12)
Individual experiences with one or more of the full-time department faculty members covering research, teaching, and patient care. Students observe activities in the clinic, hospital ward, operating room, and research laboratories. Prerequisite: first- or second-year medical student standing; permission of instructor.
UROL 600 Independent Study or Research (1-3, max. 16)
Independent study or research in urology conducted under the direction of one or more instructors. Offered: AWSpS.
UROL 675 P-Urology Preceptorship (*, max. 8)
Student follows a private practice preceptor in all of his or her work. Becomes acquainted with the office management of urological problems. (Two or four weeks). Prerequisite: UROL 680, HUBIO 562.
UROL 678 P-Urology Clerkship - Idaho (4-8, max. 8)
Medical clinical rotation. Involves participation in a standard urology clinic, as well as procedures and surgical cases. Prerequisite: completion of Internal Medicine or Surgery required third year clerkship is recommended. Offered: AWSpS.
UROL 679 P-Urology Clerkship - Boise VA (*, max. 8)
Two or four week rotation. Full activities of clinical service. Emphasizes basic principles of urology. Prerequisite: HUBIO 562.
UROL 680 P-Urology Clerkship (*, max. 8)
Full activities of clinical service. Basic principles of urology emphasized. (Two or four weeks). Prerequisite: HUBIO 562.
UROL 681 P-Female Urology (4)
Observation of cases of lower urinary tract disorders specific to women, emphasizing behavioral management and multidisciplinary care. Ninety-five percent of cases observed are women. Not intended as the only exposure to urology for students considering urology as career choice. Prerequisite: third- or fourth-year standing and permission of instructor.
UROL 682 P-Urology Clerkship - Spokane (4/8, max. 8)
Clinical clerkship. Students learn principles of urology including pediatric urology and nephrology, and engage in full activities of clinical service. Offered: AWSpS.
UROL 683 P-Urology Clerkship - Boise (*, max. 8)
Full activities of clinical service. Basic principles of urology emphasized. (Two or four weeks). Prerequisite: HUBIO 562.
UROL 684 P-Urology Clerkship - Billings (*, max. 8)
Two or four week rotation. Includes full activities of clinical service. Emphasizes basic principles of urology. Prerequisite: HUBIO 562.
UROL 685 P-Urology Sub-Internship (*, max. 12)
Subintern is responsible for patient workups and for preoperative and postoperative care and participates in the operating room. Prerequisite: MED 665 or pediatrics basic clerkship, or permission of instructor.
UROL 686 P-Urology Clerkship - Bozeman (4-8, max. 8)
Medical clinical rotation. Involves participation in a standard urology clinic, as well as procedures and surgical cases. Prerequisite: completion of Internal Medicine or Surgery required third year clerkship is recommended. Offered: AWSpS.
UROL 687 P-Urology Clerkship - Northwest Hospital (4-8, max. 8)
Rotation providing exposure to all aspects of patient care in urology, including exposure to outpatient clinic and operating room. Recommended: third-year clerkship and completion of Patient Care Phase courses in Internal Medicine or Surgery. Offered: AWSpS.
UROL 688 Advanced Patient Care -Urology Clerkship - Bozeman (8)
Advanced patient care rotation provides exposure to all aspects of patient care in urology through a private practice setting. Students, as part of a primary or consultative team, are exposed to outpatient clinic and operating room procedures, with daily responsibilities. Four weeks. Prerequisite: third- or fourth-year medical student; recommended: Internal Medicine and/or Surgery clerkships. Offered: AWSpS.
UROL 690 P-Urology Specialties (*, max. 8)
For those who wish further exposure to a specific aspect of urology. Students spend time with one attending at 91ÊÓƵ Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center, Seattle Children's Hospital, or Veterans' Administration Hospital studying oncology, infections, infertility, stone disease, impotence, or other aspects of urology. Prerequisite: UROL 680 and permission of instructor.
UROL 697 P-Urology Special Electives (*, max. 24)
Special clerkship, externship, or research opportunities may be available at institutions other than the 91ÊÓƵ. Prospective students obtain from the dean's office a special assignment form at least one month before preregistration. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
UROL 699 P-WWAMI Urology Special Electives (*, max. 24)
By special arrangement for qualified students, special clerkships or externships may be available at institutions, other than the 91ÊÓƵ, located within the WWAMI region. Prerequisite: permission of department.